Thursday, December 31, 2015

If The Shoe Doesn’t Fit: 5 Signs You Need To Ditch Those Running Shoes

If you're wondering why you can't seem to make the most out of your daily run, the problem might be with your shoes. Read on to find out why.

from Z Living Staff

This Scintillating Scent Is Sure To Heat Things Up In The Bedroom

The scent and flavor of vanilla is believed to increase sex drive and pump your man's libido.

from Z Living Staff

Fix That Dish: Plump Up Your Pancakes With These 8 Healthy Hacks

It's super easy to control what goes into your body by using these simple hacks to make yummy pancakes right in your kitchen.

from Z Living Staff

Ginger-Lemon Paste To Relieve Pitta Headache

Prepare this simple ginger-lemon paste to effectively reduce a pitta headache.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Blueberries For Type 2 Diabetes

Their high content of bioactive compounds and anthocyanins can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Start The New Year With These 5 Health Resolutions (We Promise They’re Easy To Keep)

Start by focusing on your health and keep small achievable goals that wil give you a healthy body and an even healthier mind.

from Z Living Staff

Is The TV Making Your Kids Fat? 4 Great Ways Wean Them Off The Idiot Box

Don't just take away your children's TV privileges cold turkey. Here's a list of things you could gently introduce during TV time to replace the idiot box.

from Z Living Staff

Pucker Up: An Idiot-Proof Guide On How To Kiss Right

Kissing can actually be tricky when you're nervous, have butterflies in your stomach or if you're super fidgety. Here are a few ways to avoid common kissing mistakes before puckering up.

from Z Living Staff

These 5 Habits Can Delay Menopause (Yes, Really!)

We’d all love to slow down the age when we hit menopause. But is it really possible? We find out.

from Z Living Staff

Sweet Surrender: Get Your Sugar Cookie Fix With These Healthier Versions

Crumbly and sweet, sugar cookies are a great snack rendered even tastier with frosting. We’re sharing two of our favorite recipes, both of which are gluten free and vegan as well.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Relieve It With A Herb: Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) For Heartburn

Can’t stop burping up acid? Chew on some deglycyrrhizinated licorice to stop the acid gushing up your throat.

from Z Living Staff

Style Craze: Here’s The Best Way To Wear Your Hair This Winter

With step-by-step tutorials, we show you the best hairstyles for your locks, whether they are straight, wavy or curly.

from Z Living Staff

From Food Trend To Fad Diet, Here’s Why Weight Watchers Are Drinking Bone Broth

With multiple nutrients that are exclusively available in bone broth, this might prove to be a worthy contender for those on a diet.

from Z Living Staff

An Instant & All-Natural Remedy For Hemorrhoids Has Been Sitting In Your Pantry All Along

This kitchen staple is all you need to relieve the agony of hemorrhoids naturally.

from Z Living Staff

After Coconut, Almond & Argan Oil, The Latest Solution To Trend In Skincare Is…

With claims of being reparative, restorative, collagen boosting, and hydrating, we place the latest oiling solution under our beauty goggles for closer inspection.

from Z Living Staff

6 Cheers To A Hangover-Free New Year

Here are a few drinking tips and tricks you can follow to get a sober start to 2016.

from Z Living Staff

Any Chance You’ll Get Lucky This New Year’s Eve? Here Are 6 Safe Sex Tips, Just In Case

We’re not judging but if you’re going to indulge in some random hook up, at least be smart about it. Here are six basic rules to keep in mind before you do the deed.

from Z Living Staff

Eat These 8 Winter Veg To Cure Your Seasonal Blues

Although vegetables are far from our minds this season, winter produce can be light and healthy options for our meals, but satisfying none the less.

from Z Living Staff

Here’s Why Consuming Soybeans On A High-Protein Diet Is A Good Idea

The humble beanie cousins make the perfect additions in a weight watcher’s meal plan—they’re wholesome, full of fiber, keep you from binge eating, and pack a great deal of protein.

from Z Living Staff

Could Your Office Be Killing You? Yes, The Sick Building Syndrome Is Real

Do you feel sick after spending a long day in your closed office? You should be reading this now if you do.

from Z Living Staff

Orbeez If You Please: It’s The Latest Soft, Squishy & Soothing Spa Trend

You can run and you can hide but these multi-colored translucent beads will find you. What is it about Orbeez that people love so much?

from Z Living Staff

Ask The Doctor: How Do I Cope With Bone Tuberculosis?

Z Living's in-house doctor Jonathan D'Souza outlines the causes of skeletal tuberculosis and gives tips to manage the condition better.

from Z Living Staff

Trending Skincare Ingredient: From The Breakfast Table To Our DIY Beauty Jars

Well, we did say that exfoliation is the most important part of winter skincare, so can you guess what it is?

from Z Living Staff

Monday, December 28, 2015

Whip Up A Natural DIY Syrup To Dump That Dry Cough

Try this all-natural homemade syrup using basic kitchen ingredients to root out that dry cough instantly.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Aloe Vera For Genital Herpes

The use of aloe cream significantly reduced the time required for lesions of genital herpes to heal in a study.

from Z Living Staff

Lose The 2lb Holiday Weight In 2 Days With This Detox Meal Plan

Shedding significant amount of fat on such short notice is not quite possible but, dropping the 2lb rise you've racked up overnight because you've been pigging out, is!

from Z Living Staff

The Party Girl’s Guide To Flawless Skin In The New Year

Don't let the holiday season wreak havoc on your skin. Here are some dos and don'ts that will help you get by.

from Z Living Staff

The Party Trick: A Proven Way To Avoid Weight Gain Despite Loading Up On Treats

As a lifestyle practice, we don’t support this concept. However, as a way to skate through the holiday season and keep the pounds at bay, we’re all for it.

from Z Living Staff

How You Can Use Color Therapy To Recharge Your Life

Each color, because of its unique characteristics, affects people in different ways. Here's how you can recharge your life through color.

from Z Living Staff

Stop Your UTIs From Recurring With This Herbal Tea

Move over, cranberry juice; here's a new herbal elixir that could not only alleviate the painful symptoms of a urinary tract infection, but also stop it from recurring.

from Z Living Staff

We’ve Got Healthier Versions Of 8 Traditional Kwanzaa Dishes

Kwanzaa is a time for family and friends to feast together. We rounded up a few simpler and lighter recipes of foods that feature on the traditional menu to help you dine in style, maintain convention and still eat healthy.

from Z Living Staff

#JustSaying: You Look Like A White Walker With That Winter Dandruff (But Help Is At Hand)

While there are a few tips to keep in mind, indulging in hydrating hair masks during the winters can also help get the flakiness under control.

from Z Living Staff

Your Morning Cup Of Joe Could Lower The Risk Of Diabetes

While coffee increases adrenaline that could raise blood sugar levels for a short period of time, a cup of coffee every day can actually help prevent diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

Fluoride Could Be The Reason For Your Sleeplessness (& A Malfunctioning Pineal Gland)

Fluoride can accumulate and form calcium deposits on the pineal gland, thus preventing it from functioning normally.

from Z Living Staff

LeBron James’ Post-Workout Snack Is A Piece Of Cake (No, Literally!)

Post-workout snacks should be a mix of carbs and proteins, but with the high fat and sugar content in cake, LeBron's little hack is like finding the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, December 27, 2015

4 Great Ways To Use Holiday Leftovers: Repurpose, Store, Gift & Compost

Follow these handy tips to make the best use of your leftovers.

from Z Living Staff

Chubby Knees? This Exercise Will Help Tone & Uplift The Skin Overhang

Chubby knees can make you feel self-conscious even in those mid-length shorts, skirts, dresses, and cargos. We recommend you do side lunges.

from Z Living Staff

Are You Making These 4 Vaginal Hygiene Mistakes?

While it's true that women need to take care of their vaginal health, experts say that many end up causing more harm than good.

from Z Living Staff

Counting Down To New Year’s Eve: The 3-Day Skin Detox Plan

Today we urge you to take on a detox regimen that will help you wipe the slate clean and set the tone for New Year's beauty resolutions.

from Z Living Staff

Drink Right To Party All Night: Pre-Game Hacks To Avoid The Holiday Weight Gain

Since drinks at most venues will be overpriced and you have little control over how calorie-rich they are, why not just indulge in some pre-gaming before you start partying this New Year's Eve?

from Z Living Staff

6 Tips To Eating Healthier In The New Year

Z Living expert Beth Greer tells us how to start eating healthier in the New Year.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Why You Must Allow Your Children To FAIL

As parents, we try to protect children from the misery of failure. But failure plays a very important role in developing a child’s self-worth.

from Z Living Staff

This Home Remedy For Earache Has Been Hidden For Ages

This all-natural herbal remedy will relieve a throbbing ear in minutes.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, December 25, 2015

How To Bounce Back After A Holiday Meal Binge

Did you eat a little too much at Christmas dinner? Then you might be feeling bloated and uneasy. Here are a few tips to detoxify your body.

from Z Living Staff

Work Up A Sweat At Home This Winter With A Great Yoga Routine

The best yoga lineages to borrow your asanas from are the Ashtanga / Vinyasa flow done for a period of at least 45 minutes, three to six times a week. A sample routine would look something like this.

from Z Living Staff

The Morning After Christmas: A Dermat-Ordered Skincare Timetable

You need to eat clean, get plenty of sleep, and pull out the big guns when it comes to your beauty solutions. Here's a step-by-step.

from Z Living Staff

Holiday Blues No More: Beat It Now!

Holiday perfectionism and euphoria often leave us feeling anxious and depressed in the aftermath. This holiday season, beat the blues with these simple tips.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Chamomile For Cough & Cold

The dry flowers of chamomile are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties that can come handy in treating an oncoming, or existing, cough and cold.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Where’s Your Holiday Spirit? Here’s 5 Ways To Open Your Heart

After all the over-indulging, crazy spending, perhaps even a bit of wasting of food, it might be nice to set the scales right. Here are some things you could do to feed your soul and soothe your conscience this holiday season.

from Z Living Staff

Are You Married To A Workaholic? 5 Steps To Restoring Work-Life Balance

Being married to a workaholic is hard. Here are five ways you can address the issue.

from Z Living Staff

Keep Your Furbabies Safe This Holiday Season

To keep your pets safe, keep this list handy when planning the food, décor, garbage disposal and yes, even the human traffic in your home this festive season.

from Z Living Staff

You’ll Thank Us For This Home Remedy To Soothe Your Infant’s Colic

It’s actually one herb that can solve all your baby’s stomach-related problems such as constipation, colic and gas.

from Z Living Staff

Surprisingly, This Kitchen Ingredient Can Stimulate Hair Growth

You use the vegetable for everyday cooking, not once considering what a great rinse it would make for your lifeless hair.

from Z Living Staff

Boost Your Heart Health This New Year With These 6 Simple Tips

With the New Year around the corner, it’s time we leave unhealthy habits behind and make our heart health our number one priority.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

6 Random Christmas Traditions Around The World That You’ll Love To Read About

In some parts of the world, during Christmas, it's perfectly normal to roller-skate to church, eat fried chicken and feed a log. Read about some of the weirdest Christmas traditions from around the world.

from Z Living Staff

6 Steps To Become A Stress-Free Holiday Hostess

Here's a handy checklist for throwing an awesome party, minus the stress.

from Z Living Staff

DIY Simmering Potpourri To Make Your Home Smell Like The Holidays

Recreate a cozy atmosphere wherever you are with this DIY simmering potpourri recipe. Let your home smell like the holidays tonight!

from Z Living Staff

Do You Have The Stomach For Weight Loss?

Simply put, experts now say that gut bacteria is as important as your metabolic rate when it comes to weight loss. Stock up on those probiotic drinks, quickly!

from Z Living Staff

This New Superfood Has More Health Benefits Than ALL Your Multivitamins Combined!

Science says that the leaves of this herb alone are packed with more benefits than most supplements combined.

from Z Living Staff

Anti-Freeze: These 8 Foods Will Never Survive Being Frozen

We compiled a list of all the foods that should never ever be frozen. Or like Elsa sang in the famous Disney flick, you’re just gonna have to “let it go”.

from Z Living Staff

Ask The Doctor: I Often Lose My Balance & Feel Like I Will Fall. Can You Help?

Z Living's in-house doctor Jonathan D'Souza outlines the causes and the treatments available for an unexplained loss of balance.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

We’ve Got The Ultimate Classic Christmas Playlist To Keep You Grooving Through The Holidays

From classics to modern faves, we bring you the ultimate Christmas playlist. Grab that cuppa spiked hot chocolate or any other decadent treat, and settle in for a listen.

from Z Living Staff

Move Over Korean Skincare, The Pimple Popping Patches Are Taking Over

The US and Singapore are already lapping up on acne patches, and chances are, they will be just as popular as blackhead removal strips were, in the coming year.

from Z Living Staff

6 Reasons Why You Should Go For A Magnesium-Rich Diet

Dr Josh Axe, a clinical nutritionist and certified doctor of natural medicine, lists five health benefits of a magnesium-rich diet.

from Z Living Staff

You Can Make This Instant Cold-Relieving Syrup At Home!

This one simple remedy, which can be easily whipped up in your kitchen, will shorten the duration of your symptoms and hasten recovery by as much as five days.

from Z Living Staff

4 Ways To Have A Simple, Yet Satisfying Christmas This Year

Ring in a happier Christmas this year. Here are a few tips to have a simple, yet gratifying holiday.

from Z Living Staff

7 Ways To Enjoy A Bloat-Free Christmas

Christmas can be a time of indulgence that can leave you feeling sluggish and bloated. Here are seven simple tips to beat the bloat.

from Z Living Staff

Why Diabetes Is Not A ‘Fat People’ Condition (& What To Watch Out For)

People who may be well within their ideal weight category could suffer from diabetes, too, and the numbers are increasing every day, say experts.

from Z Living Staff

Drop A Dress Size: Follow These 7 Tips For The Next 7 Days To Be New Year-Ready

We recommend this 7-day plan that encourages mindful eating, detox foods, some light exercise, and a few words of caution to look your best when the ball drops.

from Z Living Staff

Revealed: The Celebrity Secret To A Tummy Tuck Without Surgery

Kim Kardashian, Christina Aguilera, and now Mariah, too, have taken to the all-natural procedure to help uplift their mom bods.

from Z Living Staff

Revitalize Your Gut & Improve Your Digestion With This Natural Soluble Fiber

Found in many natural plant foods, this natural, soluble fiber also functions as a prebiotic and can do much more than just smoothen your digestion.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know? Pears Can Make You Thin

A study of 40 overweight women found that pears promote satiety and caused more weight loss over time when compared with oats.

from Z Living Staff

What To Do When You Receive A Bad Gift

The holiday season is all about giving and receiving; quality time, thoughtful gestures and of course, presents. Here's what to do when you get presents not in keeping with your excellent taste.

from Z Living Staff

5 Reasons To Sip On Soothing Chamomile Tea

Recommended for a variety of healing applications, here are 5 reasons you should be drinking chamomile, also known as an elixir of good health.

from Z Living Staff

A Persimmon A Day Will Keep Heart Troubles Away

Known to resemble tomatoes, this yellow-orange fruit is an exotic nutritional powerhouse and great for the heart.

from Z Living Staff

Are You Man Enough For This Brogurt?

If you just take a minute to read the label, you will realize that it's just regular Greek yogurt, so get over the FOMO, bros.

from Z Living Staff

A Culinary Tour Of Christmas Dinners Around The World

Turkey, pudding and eggnog make for Christmas dinner, but not for everyone. Take a look at some surprisingly different festive specials around the world.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, December 21, 2015

A Star Wars-Inspired Lightsaber Combat Class To Help Chubby Jedis Lose Weight

This Star Wars-inspired workout is the coolest thing ever! May the force be with you.

from Z Living Staff

A Quick & Easy Xmas Cake Recipe For The Late & Lazy

For those of you who haven’t planned ahead of time, here’s an express version of the traditional Christmas cake.

from Z Living Staff

Broke This Christmas? Here’s How You Can Celebrate On A Budget

A budget-friendly celebration does not mean low-scale decor and sloppy dinner preparation. Here's how you can enjoy Christmas without burning a hole in your pocket.

from Z Living Staff

This Christmas, Have A Blast ‘All By Yourself’

Redefine its meaning in your life and feast with a Yuletide spirit all your own. Here are some handy tips to guide you on your journey to spending the holidays not just alone, but #LikeABoss.

from Z Living Staff

Why Just Diet, Go Vegan With Your Skincare, Too!

We have organic, we have all-natural, but vegan products are different from both. Let's find out if they're worth your money.

from Z Living Staff

7 Last-Minute Tips To Have A Healthy Christmas

As a little planning and precaution can help you stay in the pink of health this holiday season. Follow these simple tips to stay safe and sound.

from Z Living Staff

Kwanzaa’s Around The Corner

The celebration of Kwanzaa seems to be on the decline after almost 50 years of its inception. Read on to learn why it's important and how you can revive it with your family.

from Z Living Staff

A Simple Recipe To Help You Sleep Better Every Day

This healthy and soothing sedative blend made with the right combination of herbs and taken before bedtime can help the body relax and sleep peacefully.

from Z Living Staff

Make Your Own Cinnamon-Infused Oil

Cinnamon is truly packed with magical powers. Right from making your baked goodies tastier to adding that extra punch to your coffee, cinnamon can do it all. So it should come as no surprise that cinnamon-infused oil has multiple health benefits.

from Z Living Staff

Chuck The Turkey This Christmas: Choose From These Delicious Meat Recipes Instead

Even though Christmas is usually associated with a huge roast turkey, you could complement the traditional bird with another protein-rich dish or simply replace it altogether with a different meat.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Bugleweed For Heart Disease

A herb belonging to the mint family, bugleweed helps reduce palpitations and can be effective in treating heart disease.

from Z Living Staff

Dimpled Thighs? Wrinkled Tummy? These DIYs Can Help Iron Out The Cellulite

Here are two home remedies we've found to be most effective when it comes to reducing the appearance of cellulite. Let's head to the kitchen and grab some mixing bowls.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, December 20, 2015

A 15-Minute Natural Remedy Tea To Soothe A Sore Throat

This herbal tea is guaranteed to soothe your sore throat this winter.

from Z Living Staff

Stay Skinny This Winter With These Intense Indoor Workout Programs

Don't let no-shave November become no-shape December, especially since experts say that winter is the best time to exercise because the cold helps you burn fat faster.

from Z Living Staff

WTF Do I Do About My Eyebrow Dandruff? (Yes, It’s A Thing!)

That white, flaky residue on and around your brow line, that's eyebrow dandruff (small pieces of dead skin you only expect to shed from your scalp). Luckily, there's a very simple and economical way to get rid of it.

from Z Living Staff

The Smart Way To Handle Holiday Family Fights

Holiday family gatherings can be a hotbed of conflict. Here's how to deal with the stress and enjoy the season.

from Z Living Staff

Keep Your Christmas Tree In The Green Of Health

Getting a Christmas tree this season? While the artificial ones may not pose as much of a problem, the evergreens require more attention. Read on to find out how you can keep them fresh.

from Z Living Staff

How Long Before People Notice You’ve Lost Weight & Look Sexier? Experts Have The Answer

There's an exact number of pounds you need to lose for both. Aren't you curious?

from Z Living Staff

This Accessory Can Protect You From The Flu This Season

A popular practice in the East Asian countries, surgical masks surface as soon as the winter months gear in. Why? Read along to find out.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, December 18, 2015

How To Grow Out Of The Nail-Biting Habit; With Love, From The Beauty Team

This one's an ode to all those people who enviously peek at intricate nail art, attempt the French manicure behind closed doors, or have replayed the seductive tapping of glamorous red nails on the table.

from Z Living Staff

White Christmas Not Your Thing? Try These 4 Sunny Holiday Destinations

This year, make some exciting plans by ditching the snowmen and reindeers for some sunshine. Here are some places you can enjoy a warm and sunny Christmas.

from Z Living Staff

6 Reasons Why You Should Hug More

Sometimes a hug is all you need to make you feel better. Since the holiday season is upon us, here are a few reasons why you need to hug more.

from Z Living Staff

Have You Heard Of This Trendy Dictionary That Is Storming The Culinary World?

Giving us an inside view into the latest gastronomic trending terminology is Josh Friedland’s new book Eatymology: The Dictionary Of Modern Gastronomy.

from Z Living Staff

Decoding Depression: This 5-Minute Video Will Help You Understand How It Feels To Be Depressed

This new Ted-Ed animation video brilliantly explains how it feels like being depressed and how to help those who are struggling with it.

from Z Living Staff

The ABCDE Guide To Detecting Of Skin Cancer

Understanding the ABCDE of skin cancer could be a simple and effective way to identify melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

from Z Living Staff

Say Bye-Bye To Stomach Disorders With This Herbal Tea

You don’t need to seek comfort in over-the-counter antacids or laxatives for everyday stomach woes. We have a better, more effective and side-effects-free solution for you.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Single During The Holidays? Here’s How To Love It

Spending the holidays alone need not mean being lonely and miserable. Here's how to have a really good time.

from Z Living Staff

The Right Way To Be Charitable This Christmas

Spread some holiday cheer by giving to those who are in need. Find out how charity could help others and help you too.

from Z Living Staff

The Trick To Looking Perfect In Your Holiday Photos

From camera angles and light, to retouching and color coordination, the perfect snapshot needs a lot more work than just a pose and a pout.

from Z Living Staff

Should You Feed Those Bedtime Hunger Pangs? Experts Say It Depends On…

Don't go to bed 'hangry'. Then again, experts want you to watch out for these easy-to-miss weight loss traps that come with midnight snacking.

from Z Living Staff

Always Fatigued? Try Essential Oils Instead Of Coffee

When you need a serious pick-me-up, use essential oils instead of beverages as they soothe, relax and refresh, rather than stimulate artificially.

from Z Living Staff

Wow Your Guests With These Bite-Sized Desserts: 12 No-Fail Recipes

Here are some simple tips and tricks for entertaining in style. No mess, no stress and no fuss, if you stick to our suggestions of easy-to-prepare, bite-sized desserts.

from Z Living Staff

Your Thyroid Could Be The Reason You’re Not Pregnant Yet

If you're trying for a baby and haven't got your thyroid levels tested yet, I insist you get them done now. Here's why.

from Z Living Staff

These 7 Nifty Smartphone Apps Will Manage Your Holiday Chores For You

Christmas is just around the corner and you have a lot of things to check off your to-do list. These handy apps will help you survive the erratic holiday season.

from Z Living Staff

In The Battle Of BB & CC Creams, The Winner Is…

The burgeoning question that haunts most buyers while they scan labels at the beauty counters is, "BB or CC?" (Scratches head and decides to buy both.)

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Turmeric For Fatty Liver Disease

Half a teaspoon of this golden spice is all you need to soothe your liver.

from Z Living Staff

5 Ways To Have A Healthier Christmas This Year

These six simple tips will help you stay infection-free and healthy this holiday season.

from Z Living Staff

Wouldn’t You Sue The Brand That Made You Lose Clumps Of Hair? These Women Have!

Our in-house expert Dr Jonathan D’Souza writes up the ingredients blacklist that may have been the due cause for the class action lawsuit against WEN haircare.

from Z Living Staff

8 Ways To Ensure You ALWAYS Eat Healthy

With so many unhealthy choices around us, we are more likely to betray our health goals if our grocery shopping isn't planned. Be a smart shopper and try these tips for better grocery shopping.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Is It The Cold Or The Flu? We Tell You How To Spot The Difference

One is different than the other and the disparity does make a huge difference both in the treatment and prevention.

from Z Living Staff

6 Budget Gifting Ideas Guaranteed To Impress Your Friends & Family

You need not go broke buying holiday gifts. Here are thrifty ways that’ll help you impress, and save a buck.

from Z Living Staff

You Can Burn Calories For Up To 38 Hours After Leaving The Gym: Here’s How

Afterburn; it’s a new term doing the rounds on the fitness block which is a dream come true for those who work out diligently.

from Z Living Staff

Before You Eat GE Salmon, Read The Facts & Then Decide

It’s shocking but true: the US FDA have given their blessing to the first genetically engineered animal intended for human consumption.

from Z Living Staff

Can’t Conceive? These 8 Health Tips Will Help

Trying to get pregnant? Here are nutrition tips to rev up your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving.

from Z Living Staff

We Love These Movers Who Offer Domestic Violence Victims FREE Service

Teaming up with shelters that provide assistance to domestic violence victims, these muscled Good Samaritans offer to help women in abusive relationships move out quickly, without a fuss and for FREE.

from Z Living Staff

The Fastest Tummy Trimming Exercise Will Make You Lose Those Love Handles

You know that defined V-cut on the lower abdomen that runs into the trousers of fitness enthusiasts? This is one way to get it.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Do You Have The Hottest Celebrity Haircut Of 2015?

Both Adele and Jennifer Lawrence are sporting new dos that have fans going batshit crazy. We're considering jumping on the wagon and trying this celebrity-favorite ourselves.

from Z Living Staff

Eating Your Own Placenta: Why New Moms Like Kim Kardashian Are Following This Gross Trend

While it might look like something that only Kim Kardashian is capable of pulling off, reports say that eating the placenta can actually be a blessing for new moms.

from Z Living Staff

How List-Making Can Keep You Sane This Holiday Season

List-making can be a wonderful tool to manage your chores. Here's how to make it work for you.

from Z Living Staff

Holiday Regifting: The Good, The Bad & The Cheeky

Regifting, or the act of passing on a gift that you've received, is becoming increasingly acceptable. But is it the right thing to do?

from Z Living Staff

5 Fun Things To Do With Your Family This Christmas

Don't let this Christmas just be about gifts and overeating. Try something more fun this year. Here are some really interesting things you can do as a family.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Holy Basil For Mental Health

Animal studies show that holy basil enhances cognitive function, memory and protects against aging-induced memory deficits.

from Z Living Staff

Beware, Store-Bought Vegan Milk Could Be Toxic!

Have you ever bothered reading the ingredients list before using it? Read it now, we insist.

from Z Living Staff

Can Steam Rooms Facilitate Weight Loss? Experts Weigh In

Yes, and no. Well, let's just say that there's a specific group of gym-goers that it can do wonders for.

from Z Living Staff

Tea Bath: A DIY Solution For Stress & Skin Problems

Cleopatra had asses’ milk to soak in, Desperate Housewives’ actress Teri Hatcher’s character had red wine and some famous geishas even claim to use a dash of sake. But tea is far simpler (and cheaper) to work with as well as more readily available.

from Z Living Staff

What Every Pregnant Woman Must Know About Anemia

Pregnancy-induced anemia is common in the second and third trimesters. Experts suggest these minor nutritional adjustments to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

from Z Living Staff

This Is How You Find Out If Your Baby’s Rash Is Worth A Trip To The Doctor

When my one-year-old daughter got her first rash, I went into a tizzy, looking for remedies to soothe it, researching the internet for the possible causes.

from Z Living Staff

Go Ahead & Have That Cube Of Cheese; Science Says It’s Good For The Heart

Peptides, formed by the digestion of casein, the main protein in cheese, are responsible for its heart-healthy benefits.

from Z Living Staff

Are You Brewing Your Tea Right?

A good cup of tea is not just a tea bag tossed in boiled water. It’s almost meditative. To make that perfect cup of tea, here are some quick tips.

from Z Living Staff

The Ultimate 5 Daily Hacks That Will Save You Time & Change Your Life

Does it take you forever to get out of the house? Are you always running late and barely making it to work on time? Try these daily hacks to minimize stress, save time and breeze through your day.

from Z Living Staff

The Best Ingredient To Beat Winter Acne

You're more likely to see blackheads and whiteheads, while pimples, papules and pustules take a backseat. But, we have the perfect fix.

from Z Living Staff

We Use Our Favorite Winter Fruit To Stir Up Skincare & Makeup Solutions

As an anti-aging solution, a cheek stain and a lip balm, the jewel-toned pomegranate makes for an economical and organic winter fix.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, December 14, 2015

This Essential Oil Can Make You Smarter

There's much more to this essential oil than just aroma. Know how you can use it for better memory and increased concentration.

from Z Living Staff

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Has Princess Leia Lose 33lb, While Rey Gets #InstaFit

Carrie Fisher judges the industry for their weight obsession. Daisy Ridley, on the other hand, starts rolling out workout videos.

from Z Living Staff

Locker Room Talk: My Biggest Struggle After Joining The Gym (Bet You Won’t See This Coming)

I look like a raggedy alter ego of my usually well-put-together self; oh, what a privilege it would be to go home in the evening, looking as glorious as I did when I came into work.

from Z Living Staff

10 Simple Tips To Flavor Your Food With Herbs & Spices

These handy hints will help you score when it comes to working with herbs and spices as food flavor enhancers.

from Z Living Staff

Why You Should Get Your Kids That Pets They’ve Been Longing For

Growing up with a furry friend by your side is a wonderful experience. As parents, you’re obviously worried, they won’t be able to handle the huge responsibility. But the truth is, it’s the best present you can get your child.

from Z Living Staff

These 8 Antioxidants Can Turn Back Time & Delay Physical Aging (Yes, Really!)

These powerful compounds support cellular health, which in turn delays the body’s physical aging process.

from Z Living Staff

The Origin Of The Humble Gingerbread Cookie (Plus, An Easy-Peasy Recipe)

This Christmas, try our easy-peasy gingerbread cookie recipe to make classic gingerbread men. Bake a batch and gift your friends and family the best home-made gingerbread cookies ever.

from Z Living Staff

Kiss Of Death: Here’s What You Should Know About Chagas Disease

The ‘kissing bug’ is anything but romantic, and gets its name from its signature mode of attack—biting and sucking blood from an individual’s face, particularly the lips.

from Z Living Staff

These 4 Easy Tips Will Keep Pregnancy Food Aversions In Check

By keeping a track of what you eat and choosing the right foods can keep that nausea in control. Here are four tips that can help.

from Z Living Staff

OMG, Our Favorite Skincare Product Just Made It To The Beauty Blacklist

It nourishes your skin without clogging the pores and leaves you with a sun-kissed look, even in the dry winters; or so we thought.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, December 13, 2015

This Wonderful Nut Is Guaranteed To Improve Your Heart Health

Research says that it can lower your risk of heart disease and heart attacks.

from Z Living Staff

Do You Have What It Takes To Complete The Christmas Bootcamp Challenge?

It is definitely going to help you torch calories and get in shape, right before the ball drops; just don’t drop the ball on this workout!

from Z Living Staff

5 Tips To Stay Zen Over The Holidays

The only person you can control is YOU, so here are a few tips to keeping the (inner) peace during your season of celebration.

from Z Living Staff

4 Natural Ways To Combat Holiday Stress

Do you get stressed out during the holidays? From a stress-relieving diet to relaxing yoga, we tell you some natural ways to manage and prevent holiday stress.

from Z Living Staff

I Found The Yummiest Diet Snack & Now I Just Can’t Stop!

Not another apple, please. One must dig deep to help themselves, I learnt, as I unearthed my favorite diet snack yet.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dialogue Therapy: How To Fight With Your Partner More Efficiently

US therapist Harville Hendrix teaches couples how to feud efficiently. Here’s the four-step plan for couples.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, December 11, 2015

On A Weight Loss Journey With Pumpkin Seeds; Gosh, If Cinderella Only Knew…

Much like chia, sesame, hemp, flax, and so many others, the seeds are a great addition to your diet recipes so don't throw them out just yet.

from Z Living Staff

9 Common Ailments Curry Leaves Can Prevent & Treat

Learn how you can use this versatile Indian staple to rid your body of common ailments such as morning sickness and urinary tract infections naturally.

from Z Living Staff

The Ultimate Solution For Stomach Flu Is This Way

Say good-bye to stomach flu and put your tummy at ease with this fresh and aromatic herbal remedy.

from Z Living Staff

1 in 5 American Kids Has Abnormally High Cholesterol Levels, But Here’s How You Can Lower It

While it’s not surprising, especially considering the high-fat diets that we feed our kids, the CDC says that one in five American kids have abnormally high cholesterol levels.

from Z Living Staff

You Could Be Suffering From These 3 Common Nutrient Deficiencies (But We Know How You Can Beat Them)

A lack of essential nutrients could hamper the normal functions of the body as well as make it sensitive to infections and diseases.

from Z Living Staff

10 Reasons To Call It Quits On Your Relationship

Staying in a toxic relationship can cause significant doubts on your own sanity and ability to nurture a stable and happy relationship. It's time to call it quits if you see these warning signs.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, December 10, 2015

You’ll Never Guess What Roses, Lilies & Garlic Have In Common

It's such a common, household item that you may have trouble believing its incredible health benefits. Get acquainted with the ingredient that you'd never imagine has anything to do with either lilies or roses.

from Z Living Staff

Weight Watchers, Stop Obsessing Over Sodium (It’s Really Unnecessary!)

You’ve perhaps been constantly reminded, not just by your nutritionist, but a number of happy advisers that you must avoid high-sodium foods. Well, should you really?

from Z Living Staff

Forget Cheese Singles, Chocolate Singles Are The Next Big Thing For Your Sandwich

Don't you just love how the Japanese push the envelope when it comes to food. If the ramen burger blew your mind, get ready for chocolate singles; they’re about to change your life forever.

from Z Living Staff

Why The New Edeka Ad Pulled At Our Heartstrings (& How To Keep Your Elders Happy This Christmas)

If you don’t want your aging family members to feel lonely and left out during Christmas, here are five steps you can take this year.

from Z Living Staff

This Herb Can Change The Way You Look At The World (Literally!)

Including this herb in your daily diet is an easy way to ward off eye diseases and keep them healthy.

from Z Living Staff

4 Holiday Spices That Can Heal Seasonal Ailments

We tell you how four popular holiday spices can help you overcome winter ailments.

from Z Living Staff

The Most Important Winter Beauty Product You’re Not Using

Cheap, effective, and practically a five to 10-minute job, this lip scrub solution is all you need to deal with chapped lips.

from Z Living Staff

We’re Sure You Didn’t Know About These 6 Dairy Facts

Dairy products are superfoods for our bones. However, overeating it has its own repercussions. Here’s how you follow a healthy dairy plan.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know? Frequent MRIs Can Harm Your Brain

There have been reports about certain drugs being used to produce clearer images during an MRI.

from Z Living Staff

Goldfish In Your Tea: This Is One Bizarre Food Trend You Will Love

For all the crazy and bizarre food trends, there comes one adorable one that makes it worth the madness. Imagine a goldfish swimming in your tea. Not a real goldfish but this darling goldfish tea bag.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Alfalfa For A Healthy Heart

Studies show that alfalfa is beneficial in reducing atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.

from Z Living Staff

Why The Sunken Eyes? These Wrinkle-Lift Solutions Are Perfect For Winter

Winter can be really unforgiving on your skin, so unless you want to invest in an under eye concealer, we urge you to take your pick and get to it!

from Z Living Staff

Diaries Of A Young Mother: This Is How I Prepped My Daughter For Day Care

As a new mom on a maternity break the only thing that freaked me out day in and day out was the day I would be back to work and leave my daughter at a day care.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Green Peace: Don’t Lay Your Wilted Greens To Rest, Just Yet

Storing greens correctly so they stay fresh, nutritious and attractive, is not exactly easy. And since we hate food wastage, we thought we’d help you with some really rad tips on how to save them from certain doom.

from Z Living Staff

Proven: Eating Cheesecake Can Help You Build Supersized Muscles (No, Like Seriously!)

Tried and tested, Gregory Frenstein shares his sweet success as he sheds light on the best-kept secret among body builders.

from Z Living Staff

Our Pick Of The Easiest & Most Fun Christmas DIY Ideas You Can Make With Your Kids

Christmas is a great time to teach your children the joy of DIY. To instil in them a sense of eco-friendly thriftiness, here are five things you can DIY with your children that are fun, interesting and in keeping with the holiday spirit.

from Z Living Staff

Just Two Cups Of This Herbal Tea Every Day Can Keep The Flu Away

Prepare your immune system for the winter bugs and allow it to heal and repair naturally with a soothing cup of this herbal blend.

from Z Living Staff

NYE Special: Start This 20-Day Workout Plan Today

The only weight-loss resolution you should be making before New Year's Eve.

from Z Living Staff

The Lazy Day Workout: These Exercises Have Your Back On Monday Mornings

It needn't be strenuous. Simple back exercises will help mobilize circulation in your upper and lower body. You don't have to get out of bed even.

from Z Living Staff

To Steam Or Not To Steam? We Help Clear The Confusion

A steam bath is a natural way to rejuvenate your body but is it always good for you? Let’s take a closer look at this bathing therapy in order to make an informed decision.

from Z Living Staff

Not Just Nature’s Candy: Choose From Our List Of 6 Low-Sugar Fruit

If you want to manage your sugar intake in a smart way, either for weight-loss, diabetes or other health reasons, just follow this list of 6 kinds of fruit that are very low in sugar.

from Z Living Staff

5 Movies About Food That Will Make You Hungry

We don’t really need help working an appetite. To celebrate food coma during the holiday season, here are five movies that will make you hungry.

from Z Living Staff

7 Reasons You Should Start Adding Cilantro To Your Meals From Today

Ask any naturopath they'd agree when we say that; if there is one herb you should be eating every day, it's cilantro.

from Z Living Staff

Deworming Your Toddler: The Whys & Hows

If your toddler spends a lot of time playing in the backyard or with pets, you should be reading this.

from Z Living Staff

Ladies, Your PMS May Be Increasing Your Blood Pressure (But There Is A Solution)

Research says that women who suffer from moderate to severe symptoms of PMS may be at an increased risk of developing high blood pressure later on in life.

from Z Living Staff

Karlie’s Makeup Tutorial Helps You Nail 2 Of The Biggest Beauty Trends Of 2015

She ropes in celebrity makeup artist Sir John for a step-by-step tutorial to replicate her MET Gala look in her first-ever makeup webisode.

from Z Living Staff

Would You Let This Man Hold A Sword To Your Hair?

The latest hairdresser to hit the scene is straight out of the medieval ages, complete with a hacking sword, a fire torch and caveman clothes.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

5 Reasons Oprah’s Weight Watchers Diet Was More Fun Than Yours Will Ever Be

There's something unsettling about watching a person on a diet be all smiles. But when you're in her shoes, even calorie counting can feel like a party!

from Z Living Staff

These Expert-Recommended Yoga Poses Will Kick Out That Chronic Pain Naturally

In the second part of this interview, Fiocchi demonstrates modified versions of a few yoga asanas that are effective in combating chronic pain.

from Z Living Staff

The 500-Calorie Diet That Drove Chris Hemsworth To Insanity

All set to ride the tide and meet his fate on 11 December is this Hemsworth brother, who looks like one of Thor’s rescue projects in his new movie.

from Z Living Staff

‘Tis The Season To Get The Flu: Why You SHOULD Get That Flu Shot

Unless you live in a bubble, the flu vaccine is the best prevention against influenza. Read this to get your facts right today.

from Z Living Staff

The Only Things You’ll Need To Beat The Winter Blues

These tips will help to keep you happy (and healthy!) during cold winter months.

from Z Living Staff

The Story Of Tuffy: A Puppy Who Survived Extreme Animal Cruelty

How one woman’s loving act of kindness helped a brave little puppy recover from burns covering over 60 percent of his body and a fall from the fourth-floor balcony.

from Z Living Staff

Diaries Of A Young Mother: 3 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Breastfeeding

While I did breastfeed my daughter for a year and a half, for me it wasn't a pleasant experience to begin with.

from Z Living Staff

This Static-Control Winter Hair Mask Uses One Of Our Favorite Ingredients

When you find yourself in a hair-raising situation, try this avocado mask to minimize static and bring back to earth, your gravity-defying tresses.

from Z Living Staff

A Simple Herb To Get Rid Of Gastrointestinal Tract Ulcers

A study shows that this herb can prevent stress-induced ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

from Z Living Staff

The Art Of Nailing A Manicure Like A Professional

Size, shape, manicuring skills and nail art come together to give you the prettiest talons. You don't ever have to break a nail once you've learned how to do it right.

from Z Living Staff

Winter Camping 101: An Idiot-Proof Guide To Get You Started

Don't let snow prevent you from taking a rejuvenating trip to the wilderness. Here are a few basic guidelines to help get you started.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, December 7, 2015

5 Reasons I Absolutely Deserve A Cheat Day (& You Do, Too)!

As I look at my tasteless chia seeds and eat lentils for dinner every day, I dream of a better world; one with bacon strips and glazed chicken wings.

from Z Living Staff

5 Easy Gifts You Can Make Yourself This Christmas (& Save A Packet In The Bargain)

This year, take gift-giving to the next level and make it more personal. Show your family and friends that you really care, by making the Christmas gifts yourself. Here are some beautiful gifts that you can easily create at home.

from Z Living Staff

Why Lemons Should Be A Part Of Your Breast Cancer Prevention Plan

Lemons are packed with plant compounds that can help reduce your risk of breast cancer. Here's why.

from Z Living Staff

What Every American Must Know About Huntington’s Disease

Many describe HD as having the symptoms of ALS, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s simultaneously.

from Z Living Staff

This Is Your Best Bet To Stop Diabetic Neuropathy Pain Naturally

If diabetes has made your nerves go in a frenzy, shooting off unnecessary pain impulses, we have a natural way to numb it.

from Z Living Staff

Beauty Star Of The Week: The Acne Cream Has Over 37 Million Followers

Want to be part of the next viral beauty trend in the making? You'll need to be more than just another pretty face.

from Z Living Staff

This One Remedy Will Shrink Your Pregnancy-Induced Hemorrhoids Naturally

Here’s a natural remedy for another popular pregnancy problem—hemorrhoids.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Quick Fix: Quinoa For Diabetes

Quinoa is a good source of insoluble fiber which lowers the risk of diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

The Ultimate Showdown: Yoga vs Pilates (We’ve Got A Third, Very Popular Option, Too)

The fan following for both is aplenty, each ranting on about how their fitness practice is better than all others. So, which way should the undecided go?

from Z Living Staff

5 Lesser-Known Hanukkah Traditions That Will Surprise You

Get to know about the partying, singing and playing of games that you can expect if invited to participate in a Hanukkah celebration.

from Z Living Staff

We’ve Given 8 Days Of Traditional Hanukkah Goodies A Healthy Twist

As with most holidays, Hanukkah (or Chanukah) is largely about the food. If you're tired of preparing the same old recipes every year, read on for options on Hanukkah recipes with a twist.

from Z Living Staff

You’ll Be Ecstatic To Know That This Can Significantly Improve Your Workout Performance

Not just that. It will make you more flexible, relieve all those muscle sores, and de-stress you thoroughly. This is one habit you'd be happy to keep.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Yoga For The Soul: Stretching To Help Homeless Kitties

Watch how the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (VOKRA), Stretch Vancouver yoga studio and a cat café Catfe hosted a Cats On Your Mats class to raise money for homeless shelter cats.

from Z Living Staff

#TrueStory: Just Wearing These Pants Will Make You Lose Weight

The brand documents an 11 percent increase in calories burned while doing the same number of reps and sets.

from Z Living Staff

Nutella, Bacon, Buffalo Wings: Vegan Versions Of Your Favorite Foods

If you're vegan, you don't have to give up on these traditional dishes. Here are recipes and ways in which you can make yourself meatless and dairy-free versions of these foods; some of them that are even better than the original!

from Z Living Staff

Friday, December 4, 2015

8 Foods That Promise To Keep You Snug & Warm This Winter

While hats, coats and gloves will protect you from the cold outside, here are foods that’ll do the job just as well from the inside.

from Z Living Staff

We Have The Safest & Most Effective Remedy To Ease Your Baby’s Constipation

Believe it or not, it’s the most tried and tested remedy to ease constipation in kids.

from Z Living Staff

A Simple Brew To Treat Your Bronchitis Without Those Prescription Medicines

If you’re looking to ease your breathing and treat bronchitis without having to pop pills, we have a natural fix for you.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Be A Smart Cookie: Sinful Recipes For Everyone (Yes, We’re Looking At You)

On the occasion of National Cookie Day, you need no excuse to try out our recipes if you're on a Gluten-free, Vegan or even Paleo diet.

from Z Living Staff

Suffering From A Sluggish Digestion? You Could Be Depressed (Plus 4 Other Signs That Point To It)

Though depression is associated with mood swings, it has a number of significant physical symptoms as well that might be overlooked.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Apples For Heart Disease

Apples can reduce total cholesterol levels and cause a drastic reduction in plaque buildup inside the arteries.

from Z Living Staff

Ellen Pompeo Swears By Organic Beauty Products & Back-To-Basic Workouts

Her simple skincare and fitness routine is easy to adopt, and one that we recommend to everyone. Are you ready to walk the path Meredith Grey does?

from Z Living Staff

The Ultimate Food & Décor Hacks For A Stress-Free Xmas

'Tis the season to be jolly or at least it should be but cleaning, decorating and of course, cooking just doesn't cut it with the festive spirit. These hacks will help you enjoy a stress-free and calm Christmas.

from Z Living Staff

4 Kinds Of Spaghetti To Squash Your Carb Intake

There’s almost nothing that can even come close to a satisfying meal of spaghetti, vermicelli, linguini or macaroni, but there’s a way to make a healthy, light ‘pasta’ dish.

from Z Living Staff

Working Out Can Literally Make You Want To Throw Up (It’s More Common Than You Think)

Turns out, there are four very credible reasons it could indeed be ‘Exercise-Induced Nausea’—yes, that’s a thing.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Blueberries For A Healthy Brain

Studies show that blueberries can improve memory and delay brain aging.

from Z Living Staff

Are You Getting Enough Of These 3 Essential Nutrients?

This article speaks about three essential nutrient deficiencies and the possible foods you could consume to improve beat them.

from Z Living Staff

This Yogurt & Turmeric Fix Helped Me Reverse Pigmentation & Treat Sun Damage

No amount of peels and facials could reverse the damage, until I stumbled upon this home remedy that's very popular among Indians.

from Z Living Staff

What Baby Max REALLY Wants From You, Mark (No Letters, Please)

For first time parents who are constantly struggling to understand what they can actually do with their new born child, here are fun things your baby would love for you to do.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Clove Oil For Pain Relief

The pain-relieving properties of cloves are attributed to their main compound, eugenol.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Nails Look Washed Out? Protect Them From Detergents With 3 Simple Steps

Be sure to protect your nails before you get your hands wet. If it sounds too silly to waste your time over, these facts will make you think again.

from Z Living Staff

The 3 Exercise Programs That Shaped Andy Murray’s Davis Cup Win Are…

The player ventured on a road less traveled when he committed his intense training sessions to alternate forms of fitness.

from Z Living Staff

Expert Speak: How Restorative Yoga Can Help You Heal From Within

In the first part of this exclusive interview, Emily Fiocchi, a physical therapist assistant and certified hatha yoga instructor, talks about restorative yoga and how it can help manage stress and chronic pain.

from Z Living Staff

5 Amazing Christmas Theme Parks To Take The Kids To

Discover the most amazing Christmas themed parks in the country, that will ring in the holiday cheer for your kids and you.

from Z Living Staff

You Can Get Rid Of Common Aches & Pains During Pregnancy By Reading This

We give you a low-down on the common aches and pains most mothers face during their three trimesters of pregnancy.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Chili Peppers For Improved Metabolism

Studies suggest that 10 gram of red chili pepper can increase fat burning in both men and women.

from Z Living Staff

Expert Recommend These 6 Yoga Poses For Better Health This Winter

Try these six yoga poses to support your immune system, boost your health and keep your body warm as it gets chilly outside.

from Z Living Staff

4 Small Ways To Improve Intimacy With Your Partner RIGHT NOW!

Date night is now a chore that you need to get past before getting back to your normal life. This could mean your relationship has matured. However, it could also mean that it’s now time to work towards maintaining a level of intimacy with each other.

from Z Living Staff

Why Laxative Addiction Is A Very Real Problem Among Weight Watchers & Can Be Fatal

It feels great to get on the scale the day after you've had your laxative. While you may be 2lb down, your body is in a state of distress.

from Z Living Staff

Olivia Munn Lets Us Ride Along On Her Skincare Journey

We decided to put to practical use some of her beauty tips that she claims have helped her contain her youth.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Relieve It With A Herb: Brahmi For Epilepsy

Bacoside A, one of the active compounds in brahmi, can combat the brain changes associated with epilepsy

from Z Living Staff

How To Save On Décor, Food & Gifts This Christmas (Yet Have A Bonanza)

This year, ease the stress of celebrating and focus on having a good time instead with our easy tips and tricks to help you cut back expenses.

from Z Living Staff

I Gave Up Makeup For 14 Days & The Results Were Not What You’d Expect

While my skincare diet only accentuated my flaws and could not convince me to ditch my beloved beauty products, it did teach me how to improvise.

from Z Living Staff

Diabetics Alert: 6 Winter Foods To Keep Your Blood Sugar In Check

Not everything that’s good for your blood sugar level tastes awful. Here are winter goodies that are mouthwatering and diabetes-friendly.

from Z Living Staff

The 2016 Pirelli Calendar Celebrates Women With More Than Just Good Looks

The Pirelli Calender 2016 edition features the likes of Serena Williams, Amy Schumer, Fran Lebowitz and Yoko Ono among other inspiring women. By focusing on resumes and achievements rather than vital stats, Pirelli Calender is set to change history as we know it.

from Z Living Staff

Why Spend $5 On A Sheet Mask When You Can Make Your Own?

Considering you should use a sheet mask every time your skin needs some R&R, store-bought ones can burn a hole in your pocket rather quickly.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Mulberries To Prevent Cancer

Antioxidants in mulberries can decrease oxidative stress that in turn could reduce the risk of cancer.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, November 30, 2015

You Won’t Believe What The Best Workout Snack Is

While it may seem counter-intuitive given its high calorie count per serving, including this ingredient in your diet plan will prove to be extremely beneficial.

from Z Living Staff

A Fail-Safe Fruit To Plug Runny Bowels Naturally

Eating this fruit can halt a diarrheal episode and promote healing. Read on to know what it is.

from Z Living Staff

Ask The Doctor: How Do I Safely Remove Ear Wax At Home?

Z Living's in-house doctor Jonathan D'Souza tells you how to safely get rid of ear wax.

from Z Living Staff

HIV Positive? Here’s Why Charlie Sheen Appointed A Weight Loss Expert (& You Should, Too)

Eating right and staying active will build your tolerance levels and improve bounce-back ability. These exercise guidelines are all you need to strengthen your immune system.

from Z Living Staff

AIDS Awareness: 5 Common HIV Myths Busted

On World AIDS Day, we thought of debunking a few commonly associated myths for the sake of the 1.2 million Americans who’re living with an HIV infection.

from Z Living Staff

5 Simple Tips To Beat The Winter Blues

Staying well through the long winter season means going back to basics: rest, healthy nutrition, and reducing stress. Here are five simple tips for enjoying a healthy season.

from Z Living Staff

Don’t Lose The Battle: You Can Fight Cancer Even When You’re Pregnant

It can be a daunting revelation and a tough battle, but you can still fight it like a mother.

from Z Living Staff

Happy Is The Skin That The Sun Shines On (Tans & Burns Have Made You Too Cynical)

While we don’t expect you to leave home without sunblock, make note that short bursts of sunlight can make quite the positive difference to your skin.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Relieve It With A Herb: Lemon Balm For Insomnia

Research suggests that lemon balm encourages sound sleep and helps fight insomnia.

from Z Living Staff

Jessica Simpson Lost 60lb With These 3 Simple Tricks

The doting mother-of-two has fought long and hard to get back to her pre-pregnancy figure, and she's done one helluva job with it.

from Z Living Staff

Rise & Grind: 5 Coffees From Around The World

Every place has a distinct coffee ritual that’s strongly grounded (pun intended) in it's history and culture. Let’s take a look at five different coffees from around the world, and how they're brewed and imbibed.

from Z Living Staff

#WorldAIDSDay: Understanding HIV & How It Leads To AIDS

While we all have heard of AIDS, how well do you know about the disease and how does it differ from HIV?

from Z Living Staff

The Most Important Skincare Tool We Bet You’re Not Using This Winter

Your skin sheds about 40,000 cells every hour. Now do you know what we're getting at?

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Skincare Revolutionized: This Organic Cold Cream Keeps Your Body Warm

While jojoba and kelp extracts nourish your skin, the lotion helps retain body heat to keep you warm during the winter.

from Z Living Staff

5 Tips On Using Music To Help Folks Struggling With Alzheimer’s

Career educator and professional musician, Mary Sue shares her 5 special tips on using music for family members and friends who are struggling to help seniors with Alzheimer’s.

from Z Living Staff

Cooking Oil vs Cooking Spray: Which One Is Healthier?

Is cooking spray really healthy? The spray form of oil is used as a lubricant or emulsifier and contains vegetable oil. But is it really the healthier option?

from Z Living Staff

Friday, November 27, 2015

Are You Cut Out To Be A Vegan? These 4 Questions Will Give You The Answer

If you’ve been considering turning vegan, you're probably riddled with a billion questions. Before taking the plunge, here are a few questions you should seriously ask yourself.

from Z Living Staff

6 Ways To Get Your Pet Used To Your House

There’s always such excitement when bringing a new four-legged member into the family. And if it’s the first for you and your family, the excitement is often laced with a tinge of nervousness. Here are a few tips to make sure you and your pet transition as smoothly as possible.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Be The Change: 6 Tips To Boost Your AIDS Awareness

If you want to help make a change but don't know where to start, here are six things you can do to be more sensitive and make changes in the way you behave around folks struggling with AIDS.

from Z Living Staff

Is Alcohol Inching You Close To Stomach Cancer?

Can too much alcohol make you prone to stomach cancer? Here's what science has to say.

from Z Living Staff

10 Little-Known Diabetes Facts You Must Know

We spoke to Dr Robert S Rosenberg and Dr Scott Schreiber to explore some lesser-known facts about diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

This Post-Thanksgiving Detox Will Give Your Digestion That Much-Needed Boost

Overeating, alcohol, excess sugar and no rest are staple side-effects of the holiday season, making your liver sluggish. Try the following detox tips to flush out the toxins.

from Z Living Staff

Those Who Work Out Need More Sleep (Yes, You Have A Valid Excuse!)

Lack of sleep can turn ugly and prove to be a pain in the a**, and everywhere else, too! Here's why you should make your Zzzzzss count.

from Z Living Staff

These 4 Foods Are Ruining Your Brain Health (& Deteriorating Your Memory)

Have you ever given a thought to the foods you should be eating or omitting for a sound memory and improved brain function?

from Z Living Staff

Keep Calm & Scrub The Kitchen This Thanksgiving

Staying healthy during Thanksgiving isn't just about eating right. Here are 9 pointers from an expert to help you ensure you have a clean and healthy Turkey Day.

from Z Living Staff

Dealing With An Ingrowth: When Hair Down There Gives You A Scare

Using this scrub will help loosen the pubic hair ingrowth and also get rid of the infected skin build-up around the sore spot.

from Z Living Staff

Thanksgiving Foods That Are Good For Your Eyes

What would we be without our vision? Our eyes need all the love and care we can give them, after all they are the windows to our soul. This Thanksgiving, be grateful for your sight, and tuck into these holiday dishes to pamper those peepers.

from Z Living Staff

Thanksgiving Food Safety: 3 Things You Should AVOID While Preparing A Turkey Feast

Here are three things that you must keep in mind while cooking the turkey to avoid falling prey to food poisoning.

from Z Living Staff

The Latest Trending Skincare Ingredient Comes From This Reptile

We're not so sure how we're feeling about this 'croc'-pot. Care to lather up some animal fat to rejuvenate your skin?

from Z Living Staff

5 Reasons To Stay Home On Black Friday

Whether you’re a Black Friday veteran or still on the fence about a night of splurge, we have five great reasons to stay home.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Recumbent Or Upright Stationary? The Bike That Gives A Greater Calorie Burn Is…

Your first instinct would be to sit your butt down on the one that's available; but, the way the two work is very different. Here's how to make the smart choice.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Saw Palmetto For Male Pattern Baldness

Studies show that saw palmetto can stimulate hair regrowth and reduce hair loss in men.

from Z Living Staff

6 Food Hacks Every Vegan Must Know

Being on a vegan diet does not mean you give up on taste. Here are six essential and seriously simple food hacks every vegan should know.

from Z Living Staff

Nausea, Cold, Insomnia, Allergies: There’s Nothing A Cup Of Tea Can’t Fix

A hot cup of tea is all you need to keep these everyday troubles away and strengthen your immune system naturally.

from Z Living Staff

Clever Comebacks For Pesky Relatives This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the time for annoying and noisy relatives. Here are a few clever comebacks for you to hold your own and give it back.

from Z Living Staff

Don’t Let Diabetes Stop Your Child From Being Happy & Active

Read on for helpful solutions and suggestions, some simple life hacks and a whole lot of positivity to help your child manage diabetes with ease and not let it interfere with living an exciting life.

from Z Living Staff

The Inside Story: 7 Healthy Stuffing Alternatives For Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Here are 7 cool Thanksgiving turkey stuffing options that cut down on calories and boost the meal’s overall fiber, protein, and mineral content, thus increasing its nutritional value.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Tea Tree Oil For Genital Herpes

Did you know that tea tree oil can effectively reduce herpes simplex virus infections?

from Z Living Staff

8-Year-Old Chrissy Turner May Be The Youngest Patient EVER To Be Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

The girl from Utah, whose parents are both cancer survivors, is suffering from secretory carcinoma, a rare form of breast cancer.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The #GlitterBeard Paves The Way For The Most “What The F***!” Trend This #Movember

Before you get your sparkle on, we urge you to stop, think and be a normal human being for once in your life. Don't you know that glitter's gonna get everywhere? Literally!

from Z Living Staff

Could Your Genes Be Increasing Your Risk Of Alzheimer’s?

Years of research shows that a few different genes might be involved in the onset of Alzheimer’s.

from Z Living Staff

Pretty Please: Healthy Holiday Food That’s A Visual Treat

This Thanksgiving, choose recipes that are easy on the eyes, yet healthy. These recipes that will ensure that your dinner table is as pretty as a picture and no damage is done to your waistline.

from Z Living Staff

This Post-“Turkey Day” Workout Will Minimize Your Holiday Caloric Damage

Not just to sweat it out, but to ensure that these incremental holiday meals don't turn into stubborn fat, be sure to exercise after you carbo-load.

from Z Living Staff

Behind The Scenes: How Michael B Jordan Trained For The New Rocky Movie ‘Creed’

Having Rocky Balboa as his trainer and muse inspired him to gain 24lb of pure muscle weight. Here's how he did it.

from Z Living Staff

Diabetes Awareness Month: The Prescribed Diet For Diabetic Weight Watchers

Experts teach you how to modify your meals, and pre- and post-workout snacks in order to aid weight loss without putting you at risk of hypoglycemia.

from Z Living Staff

Expert Speak: Why GERD Is A Lot More Than Just Heartburn

Dr Jay Yepuri, a leading gastroenterologist from the Digestive Health Associates of Texas, talks about GERD and how it is different from heartburn.

from Z Living Staff

The 2-Minute Home Remedy For Dark Spots & Dry Skin

Make a mental note of this quick and economical fix to beat the beauty blues this winter.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, November 23, 2015

These Are America’s Most Popular Yoga Pants

Move over Juicy tracksuits, Alo Yoga is the new cool kid in town. The move-with-you fit has popularized the brand on the fitness circuit.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Avocados For A Healthy Heart

Studies show that avocado consumption can reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides significantly, which is why they are good for the heart.

from Z Living Staff

Is Chlamydia Secretly Making Your Infertile?

The hidden symptoms of chlamydia can be easily confused with other not-so-serious conditions. However, here are some signs you need to watch out for.

from Z Living Staff

Tasty Yet Nutritious Sides You Can’t Get Enough Of This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, put aside your guilt and binge on these delicious and nutritious sides. Whip up these easy recipes to match any kind of main course and slip into a food coma like no other.

from Z Living Staff

7 Quick Steps To Outsmart Holiday Weight Gain

Don’t let the last month of the year horde you up with extra baggage for the next year. Follow these tips to outsmart holiday weight gain.

from Z Living Staff

How Not To Kill Your Family This Thanksgiving

Read on for simple ways to melt the tension and focus on the fun this Thanksgiving, and in the near future during Hannukah and Christmas.

from Z Living Staff

Beat Anxiety Naturally With Just A Cup Of Tea

One hot cup of this herbal brew is all you need to charge your spirits and kick anxiety out of the window.

from Z Living Staff

Why UTIs Are Common During Pregnancy (& 5 Expert Tips To Prevent Them)

While anyone can get a Urinary Tract Infection, you'd be surprised to know that they are more common during pregnancy.

from Z Living Staff

Boys, The Sandbag Workout Is Sure To Catch Your Fancy

What makes the sandbag a more credible workout accessory as compared to, say, a dumbbell or kettlebell? Let's find out.

from Z Living Staff

These 3 Tests Could Reveal Your Risk Of Alzheimer’s

With the cost of medicines increasing, it is important that we realize that with chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, prevention is the best medicine.

from Z Living Staff

Get With It: These DIY Starter Kits Equip You To Become A Beauty Expert

Our bet is, within three months you'd have considerably cut down on the money you spend on commercial products.

from Z Living Staff

Include This One Thing In Your Routine To Ease Symptoms Of Parkinson’s

Parkinson's might have no cure, but this trick is sure to keep your symptoms in control.

from Z Living Staff

Smart Foods: Kelp Will Help You Shed The Pounds

Whether you choose to consume it in its fresh or frozen form, adding kelp to your diet is a great way to ensure your weight loss progress remains steady.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, November 22, 2015

5 Tasty Pies That Won’t Add To Your Waistline This Thanksgiving

Instead of stuffing your face with slices of decadent pie after an already loaded meal, employ these ingenious food hacks to gorge guilt-free on low calorie versions of 5 traditional Thanksgiving desserts.

from Z Living Staff

10 Fall Superfoods & Easy Recipes To Cook Them

This fall, we’re making it easy for you to eat your superfoods with our collection of healthy recipe dishes.

from Z Living Staff

8 Kitchen Hacks To Enjoy Healthier Pasta

If you’re looking for ways to make this high-carb meal into a healthier version of itself, try these 8 easy, pasta cooking hacks.

from Z Living Staff

How To Talk Yourself Into (Or Out Of) Anything

You can use these 14 daily mantras to embrace and enjoy the power of positive thinking.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Why Diabetes Patients Should Know About Diabetic Retinopathy (& 5 Expert Tips To Protect Your Vision)

Simple steps such as going for a regular eye exam can go a long way in preventing diabetic eye disease. Here's what you should know.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, November 20, 2015

Z Living’s Richard Blais Is One Of America’s Sexiest Chefs (Says People Magazine)

We’re super excited to share some really cool news: our very own host of Z Living’s sassy cooking show Cook Your Ass Off, Richard Blais, was just named one of the 14 sexiest chefs in America by none other than People magazine.

from Z Living Staff

Elliptical Machine vs Elliptical Cross Trainer (No, They’re Not The Same)

Rare are the gyms that stock both, but if yours does, here's what you need to know before you pick one over the other.

from Z Living Staff

Top 4 Thanksgiving Getaways: Weekend Destinations To Celebrate Your Way

Ditch the turkey and cranberry sauce, and instead give thanks for your blessings at any one of these top four Thanksgiving weekend destinations.

from Z Living Staff

Give The Mash A Miss: 10 Healthy Alternatives To Creamy Thanksgiving Spuds

Traditional mashed potatoes are too high in calories. So celebrate this Thanksgiving with some skinny alternatives that definitely don’t skimp on taste.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know There Was Such A Thing As Mindful Cooking? We Didn’t Either…

With the incessant stress and growing strains of our daily life, we seem to have lost the art of mindful cooking. Here’s how you too can infuse joy and cook with love.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Almonds For Better Digestion

Eating two almonds every day will give you better digestive health. Here's how.

from Z Living Staff

The Non-Charlie Sheen-Style Disclosure: 4 Tips For Having ‘The Talk’ With Your Partner

Even as the threat of multiple lawsuits looms large over Charlie Sheen, the focus is on the ethical aspect. Should you tell your partner about your HIV status?

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lower Your Cholesterol The Vegan Way

High Cholesterol bothering you? Veganism shows the way to lowering Cholesterol.

from Z Living Staff

Here’s How Breaking Up With Sugar Will Do You Good (Apart From Just Losing Weight)

We understand it's difficult, but once you start observing the benefits yourself, it'll all seem worth it. It's time to let loose those sweet ties.

from Z Living Staff

The Ultimate Pimple Popper Is In Your Kitchen Right Now

If the taste of bitter melons makes you cringe, let us say our piece before you pass it up.

from Z Living Staff

EXCLUSIVE: NFL’s Dr Scott Weiss Takes Us Through The Diets, Workouts & Recovery Exercises Of The Players

It's no longer about bulk. It's about being swift and strong. Hear it straight from a physical therapist of the National Football League (NFL).

from Z Living Staff

Chuck The Turkey This Thanksgiving: Go For One Of These Delicious Meat Recipes Instead

Choose to complement the traditional turkey with another protein-rich dish or simply replace it altogether with a different meat.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Strawberries For Cancer Prevention

Studies suggest that strawberries could prevent several types of cancer, through their ability to fight oxidative stress and inflammation.

from Z Living Staff

What Does Your Skin Say About Your Internal Health?

Your skin often reflects an underlying health problem. Here are five things you need to look out for.

from Z Living Staff

Here’s Another Reason To Have Safe Sex (& 5 Rules To Follow To Prevent STDs)

Sexually transmitted diseases are on an alarming rise in the US, says the STD Surveillance Report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here's an easy guide on how to prevent them.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Get To The Root Of Hair Loss With This Simple Rinse

Licorice can treat hair loss, dandruff, chemical damage, you name it... We teach you the simplest way to boost hair growth.

from Z Living Staff

6 Vegetarian Mains To Try This Thanksgiving

If Thanksgiving meal time gets awkward when you decline to eat the big roast turkey on the table, simply ensure these delicious vegetarian mains are also within reach.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says You CAN Do Yoga When You’re Heavily Pregnant (Just Make Sure You Stick To These Poses)

Still not convinced about doing yoga while pregnant? Well, this study will clear your doubts.

from Z Living Staff

This Wonder Ingredient In Your Tea Will Help You Lose Weight Faster

If a teatox is what you’re after, there’s more than one way to do it. Take this fleshy root, for example. It'll melt that belly fat right off.

from Z Living Staff

This Power-Packed Spice Can Reduce Your Risk For Pancreatic Cancer

A compound present in this spice prevents the uncontrolled growth of cells and induces apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells.

from Z Living Staff

Forget The Promise Of Glowing Skin, Hot & Bothered Is What I Felt After A Workout

It soon escalated to dry patches, redness, even discoloration. The #ExerciseBurn is not pretty. Luckily, my dermat helped me get as cool as a cucumber.

from Z Living Staff

Invigorating Sea Kelp Body Mask To Detoxify Your Skin

The sea kelp body mask is a luxurious spa treatment popular for its detoxifying benefits. It helps remove the toxins and renews your skin to give it a healthy glow. You can either opt for this treatment at the local spa or make this mask at home by gathering a few simple components.

from Z Living Staff

Jelly Recipes That’ll Make You Go Weak In The Knees

Making and canning your own jelly is really quite an easy process, plus you can customize it with your favorite fruit, sweetening it only as much as you can handle.

from Z Living Staff

Make Thanksgiving A Saucy Affair With These 7 Alternatives

This Thanksgiving, break out of the rut and instead of the usual boring and sugar loaded, canned cranberry sauce, why not dare to be different?

from Z Living Staff

#DiabetesAwareness: Is Diabetes Getting On Your Nerves?

While some people would not have any symptoms at all, others may feel numbness or a tingling sensation in the feet. Read on to know more about diabetes neuropathy.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Eat Spinach Every Day To Control Your Rising Blood Pressure

Spinach is rich in nitrates, a compound that can help moderate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

from Z Living Staff

Bodybuilders’ Bootcamp: From 125lb To 325lb, How A Nerd Became The “Nightmare”

This one's an ode to the bodybuilders and muscle majors, who want to size-up to their full potential.

from Z Living Staff

You Can Bring Back The Hair You Lost To Diabetes With These Fixes

So long as the roots are alive and kicking, you can activate their potential by invigorating your scalp.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Weight Watcher, Here’s Why You’re Constipated All The Time

In your quest to drop the pounds, that harebrained diet has actually contributed to your digestion problems—or in this case, lack thereof.

from Z Living Staff

This Sweet Spud Is Sure To Protect You From Cancer

Highly regarded for its content of vitamin A, sweet potatoes are also touted for their cancer-preventing properties.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Here’s How Lemongrass Can Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Animal studies have found that when lemongrass was administered there was a significant reduction in cholesterol levels.

from Z Living Staff

5 Lung-Loving Herbs For Healthy Breathing

These five herbs will not only thwart chronic lung infections and inflammation of respiratory passages, but also keep excess mucus in check.

from Z Living Staff

Health-Wise: Hard Core Meat-Eaters, Here’s What You’re Missing Out On

Here are nine essential nutrients that are impossible to obtain from animal food sources.

from Z Living Staff

5 Avoidable Sex Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Be watchful for these 5 rookie but common mistakes in the bedroom. Fix these and it's highly likely you will get your sex life back on fire.

from Z Living Staff

The Magic Of Ginseng: An All Natural Elixir To Prevent Parkinson’s Disease

One of the most famous Chinese herbs, ginseng is blessed with neuroprotective properties which can halt the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

from Z Living Staff

Busting The Myth: Coffee Is Bad For Health

A study published in Circulation—the journal of American Heart Association—says that coffee can, in fact, be a lifesaver.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, November 16, 2015

Exfoliate & Condition To Keep It Clean This Movember, Say Grooming Experts

One needs to make some effort to look effortless, especially when it comes to the hygiene aspect of facial hair. Learn how it's done.

from Z Living Staff

You Can Be The Fit Couple (Or The Fat One)

If you have a health-conscious partner, there’s a good chance the weighing scale will tip in your favor.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Tamarind For Diabetes

Phenolic compounds in tamarind have a strong antioxidant activity that reduce oxidative stress and prevents the development of complications in diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

Cranberry Sauce: An Antioxidant & Super Fruit

This super fruit is used on many occasions - from making Thanksgiving relishes to refreshing summer drinks. Read on to know the benefits and side-effects.

from Z Living Staff

5 Healthy Reasons To Have Turkey Meat Every Day (& Not Just Thanksgiving)

This #Thanksgiving, we give you 5 reasons to have turkey meat every day.

from Z Living Staff

Taking On A Workout Program? Here’s The Rulebook For Diabetes Patients

Weight management is an integral part of monitoring diabetes. But, before you sign up for a workout, experts issue a cautionary checklist you must read thoroughly.

from Z Living Staff

A Quick Fix For Peace Of Mind & Smooth Bowel Movement

Here’s a hilarious product designed to help you eliminate waste in a way that’s efficient and painless. The principle is simple: when you’re on the pot, just squat.

from Z Living Staff

4 Delicious Vegan Alternatives For Turkey This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, we’re happy to share vegan alternatives to turkey that’ll not just keep you satisfied with their finger-licking goodness but might also tempt your meat-eating family and friends to try it for a change.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Papaya For Heartburn & Indigestion

Troubled with heartburn and indigestion? A slice of papaya is all you need to calm those gastric juices.

from Z Living Staff

Curry For Worry: How Turmeric Can Treat Depression Naturally

Color your platter yellow with this aromatic and flavorful spice to fend off the blues and enjoy good mental health.

from Z Living Staff

Hairy Tales: Wear Them Straight This Season

If there ever was a season to revel in straight and shiny strands, this would be it. Use this simple 5-step routine to your advantage.

from Z Living Staff

The 4 Relaxing Rewards Of A Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is known to generate an almost instant and intense feeling of relaxation. But that’s not all. It has several long-term benefits, too.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Eat A Bunch Of Grapes Every Day To Keep Bad Cholesterol Away

These sweet, tangy and juicy treats are all you need to keep your cholesterol levels in check.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Olive Oil For Osteoporosis

Scientists speculate that olives might have a protective effect on bones and prevent bone loss.

from Z Living Staff

We Illustrate The Beauty Of Shay Mitchell’s Skincare Routine

In a recent interview, she revealed three fundamental beauty essentials, which got us cracking on some homemade solutions to replicate the results.

from Z Living Staff

Just In: Ryan Seacrest & Dr Lancer Announce Skincare Line For Men

The men's skincare industry is so far restricted to grooming, but there's a market that is yet to be tapped and Ryan Seacrest already has a stake in it.

from Z Living Staff

5 Delicious Ways To Use What’s Inside Your Pumpkins

Halloween may be over and done with, but pumpkins are still around in all their splendor. We give you five innovative and delectable ways to use the insides of pumpkins.

from Z Living Staff

How To Follow A Sattvic Diet For A Life Full Of Positive Energy

A yogic diet emphasizes on following a sattvic diet for a holistic living, ie to embrace the non-harming concept of sattva and eat pure, clean and wholesome foods that are rich in life-giving force.

from Z Living Staff

7 Tips To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Whether you’re on a diet or not, these tips will help you keep your waistline in check.

from Z Living Staff

Maintain Skin Health With Home Remedies For Those Suffering From Diabetes

From fungal infections, blisters and bruises to vitiligo, rashes and shin spots, we hope to minimize your skin woes with these home remedies.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Ultimate Thanksgiving Hack: Try Pineapple To Smoothen Your Digestion

Try this ultimate Thanksgiving hack to smoothen digestion and provide your tummy with some relief.

from Z Living Staff

This Homemade Almond Oil Cold Cream Makes For The Perfect Wrinkle-Lift Solution

We urge you to stir up this homemade beauty concoction for some wrinkle-lift action to minimize fine lines and crow's feet, and plump up the skin.

from Z Living Staff

Who Needs Weights When You Are A Cardio God? Erm, You Do!

Be sure to make it to the weight room, or your body will suffer in multiple ways at the hands of a negligible muscle-building routine.

from Z Living Staff

Sexual Addiction: How To Know If You’re Having Too Much Of A Good Thing

Are you getting a bit obsessed or nurturing an unhealthy preoccupation with sex? There's a good chance you're suffering from what can only be called sexual addiction.

from Z Living Staff

Fix That Dish: Make Healthier French Fries

Here are some healthier versions of the traditionally tasty but fattening French fries.

from Z Living Staff

5 Ways To Ease A Migraine During Pregnancy

Read on to know about a few natural and safe methods to ease your migraine during pregnancy.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, November 13, 2015

5 Times You Should Consider Going On A Weight-Loss Cleanse

On an average, we’d recommend a cleanse, no more than once every 4 to 6 weeks. But first, let’s determine whether you need it.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Walnuts For Heart Disease

Walnuts are exceptionally rich in antioxidants such as ellagic acid, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

from Z Living Staff

Death In The Family? Here’s How To Help Your Child Cope

The topic of death is always an emotional affair, one that requires a lot of understanding and the right approach, especially when you are discussing it with a child.

from Z Living Staff

Help Your Child Live With Diabetes: A Guide For Parents

Take a look at the six main feelings that threaten to ruffle your kids, thanks to their having to live with diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

A Rookie’s Guide To Knowing Your Cheese

While there are various ways to classify the different varieties, you don’t have to be a connoisseur to know your cheese—the following guide will help.

from Z Living Staff

Fast Five: Take A Relationship Break For Better Bonding

There are many benefits of taking a break from your relationship, from giving you an objective perspective to teaching you what you truly want, and even allowing you to find your inner peace.

from Z Living Staff

Low On Energy? Try These Instant Power Foods Now

Try out these power filled foods to get your zing back and give you an instant shot of energy that you need to get you through your day.

from Z Living Staff

She Will Convince You That Semen Facials Are The Best Save Against Rosacea

Keep an open mind, and look at it, as you would any other beauty tutorial. Chances are, you won't cringe the next time you hear of the semen facial.

from Z Living Staff

Ray Of Hope: First Uterus Transplant To Be Performed In America

In the research study, Cleveland Clinic will perform the surgery on 10 women dealing with uterine factor infertility.

from Z Living Staff

Ayurveda With Yogi Cameron: Drive Away Those Blues With Apple Juice

Not only does apple juice drive away the uncalled symptoms of depression but also lift up your mood naturally.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Diabetes & Pancreatic Cancer: Is There A Connection?

Both conditions affect the pancreas, but does one increase the risk of other? We ask the experts.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know Of These 3 Lesser-Known Types Of Diabetes?

Although uncommon, there are still other diabetes types that people aren’t aware of. We tell you about three of them.

from Z Living Staff

#DiabetesAwareness: Understanding Diabetes In Newborns

Diabetes in newborns, or neonatal diabetes, is diagnosed before a baby turns nine months old. Here's what you should know about the condition.

from Z Living Staff

Weight-Loss Yoga Asanas To Regulate Type 2 Diabetes & Prevent Metabolic Syndrome

This routine can help one decrease the amount of sugar in the blood, along with eliminating all the usual symptoms such as fat accumulation around the waist, stress, high blood pressure, liver and kidney complications, and high cholesterol.

from Z Living Staff

Why A Diabetic Diet Is Not As Terrifying As You Think

Not being able to freely choose your food does sound disheartening, but having to go on a diabetic diet might actually benefit you and your family. Here's how.

from Z Living Staff

5 Ways To Satiate Your Sweet Tooth On A Diabetic Diet

Here are a few sweet hacks that will help satiate your cravings without jeopardizing your diabetic diet.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ayurveda With Yogi Cameron: Trim The Flab Naturally With This Herbal Tea

Looking to get into shape before the holiday season? Here’s a herbal remedy to cut on those pounds effectively.

from Z Living Staff

Let Off Some Steam: Why That Facial May Be Harmful For Your Skin

Are steam facials good for your skin? Should you really be exposed to that kind of targeted heat for so long? Let's find out.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: DIY Cuticle Cream For Colder Climes

Try this homemade solution to hydrate the area, particularly during the Fall season when the cuticles can get dry, flaky and discolored.

from Z Living Staff

Smart Foods: Cauliflower For Weight Loss

All those who are trying to trim their waistlines and keep their calories in check, here’s why you should be making this versatile veggie a part of your main meal plan.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ask The Doctor: Is There A Home Remedy For Pus In The Urine?

Z Living's in-house doctor Jonathan D'Souza gives you simple home remedies to get rid of urinary tract infection and decrease the presence of pus in the urine.

from Z Living Staff

4 Simple Techniques To Calm Your Pregnancy Nerves Naturally

These simple techniques will make you feel happy, lift up your spirits and instantly remove any signs of stress.

from Z Living Staff

Move Over H20, It’s The Age Of Essential Oils For Skincare

The more effective beauty carrier has now made its way into skin and haircare solutions, both commercial and homemade.

from Z Living Staff

Salty Yoga Is Trending In New York For All The Right Reasons

The primary aim of this practice is to engage your respiratory system, and open up and expand your lungs with vinyasa yoga.

from Z Living Staff

Craft Ideas For Kids This Thanksgiving

Celebrate Thanksgiving this year with some homemade craft items your kids can create.

from Z Living Staff

Yoga Plus: Size Up Your Asanas To Suit Your Big, Bold & Beautiful Frame

Yoga proves to be a lot safer for overweight and obese individuals as it minimizes risk of injury, and can be easily adapted to your limitations.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, November 9, 2015

For Hair That’s 6ft Long, Take Cue From These Real Life Rapunzels

It's when the length of the strands fall to the floor at the salon that you will see most women cringe. Well, to them we say, listen up!

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Flaxseeds For Better Digestion

The insoluble fiber in flaxseeds adds bulk to the digestive waste, which acts as a natural laxative and relieves constipation.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Saffron For Male Infertility

Studies show that saffron can improve sperm health and motility in infertile men.

from Z Living Staff

Are You On #TeamDoubleFisting? Relax, It’s Just A Skincare Trend

One needn't even be a perv to get the wrong idea, but we guess, this is what #FirstWorldProblems are made of. Here's the lowdown on the beauty trend.

from Z Living Staff

Tips To Raise Vegan Kids Minus Tears & Fears

Kids on special diets tend to get bullied often and if your child is vegan, this means his or her diet is limited to non-meat, non-dairy foods, making this more likely to happen. Here's how you can help make this history with our simple steps.

from Z Living Staff

This Hemp Oil DIY Is Perfect For A Post-Workout Recovery Massage

If you've just returned from a very fulfilling workout but your muscles feel sore, here's the perfect concoction to soothe your aching body.

from Z Living Staff

#WorldPneumoniaDay: 4 Simple Home Remedies To Manage Pneumonia

Here are some simple home remedies you can try to relieve symptoms of pneumonia.

from Z Living Staff

Ayurveda with Yogi Cameron: Rescue Yourself From Anxiety With Sesame Oil

Yogi Cameron is at your service once again with an all-natural anti-anxiety remedy.

from Z Living Staff

7 Healthier Ways To Indulge Your Sweet Tooth This Thanksgiving

Since desserts are usually the downfall of even the strictest and most disciplined person during the holidays, we bring you a bunch of healthy and delicious sweet treats that’ll cheer you up in no time.

from Z Living Staff

Oily, Dry, Normal Or Combination, What’s Your Skin Type? Let’s Find Out

The next five minutes could change the way you care for your skin altogether; so, aren't you eager to find out?

from Z Living Staff

#mouthcancerawareness: Early Signs Of Mouth Cancer That You Should Know Of

With early detection and timely treatment, deaths from mouth cancer can be significantly reduced.

from Z Living Staff

Are You Aware Of These 5 Signs Of COPD Exacerbation?

Being able to spot the changes in symptoms in order to get proper medical care in a timely manner is crucial. Here are five signs you must watch out for.

from Z Living Staff

#AlzheimersAwarenessMonth: Can Cinnamon Prevent Alzheimer’s?

Spice up your memory and prevent Alzheimer’s disease naturally with this miraculous spice.

from Z Living Staff

#DiabetesAwarenessMonth: Want To Reduce Your Diabetes Risk? Eat At Home!

Researchers say that the best way to prevent diabetes is to ditch the restaurants and eat more home-cooked meals.

from Z Living Staff

How Not To Be Fooled By Your Food Labels

You may be trying to do everything right by reading the labels and going through the ingredient list, but do you really know what the labels on your packaged food products actually mean?

from Z Living Staff

Do You Know About These 4 Health Benefits Of Coconut Kefir?

Coconut kefir contains all the beneficial probiotics that you can find in traditional milk kefir while offering the health benefits of the nutrients present in raw coconut water.

from Z Living Staff

3 Common Midlife Ailments And How To Deal With Them

Watch out for these common mid-life health issues and start taking care of yourself for a healthier tomorrow.

from Z Living Staff

Just In: Exercise Can Improve Quality Of Life Among Alzheimer’s Patients

While progress is only initial, exercise has been found to be beneficial to some patients with Alzheimer’s, and as research suggests, there’s promising evidence.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Spirulina For Mouth Cancer

Spirulina, a type of blue green algae, can effectively decrease your risk of oral cancer due to its high content of antioxidants.

from Z Living Staff

#StomachCancerAwarenessMonth: Did You Know Cranberries Can Prevent Stomach Cancer?

Plant compounds called A-type anthocyanidins present in cranberries can cut the risk of stomach cancer.

from Z Living Staff

Smart Foods: Thanksgiving Turkey For Weight Loss

This high-protein bird will do wonders for those who workout, and also keep the carb-load in check.

from Z Living Staff

Can Too Much Protein Be Bad For Your Bones & Kidneys?

It's said that a lot of protein can weaken the bones, cause osteoporosis and even destroy the kidneys. But are proteins all that bad? We find out.

from Z Living Staff

Is It A Cold Sore Or A Canker Sore? How To Tell The Difference

Yes, they are both painful and annoying, but apart from that there’s no similarity. If you don’t know what you’re suffering from, we help you identify them.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, November 8, 2015

DIY: How To Make A Homemade Gel Eyeliner

To side-step toxic ingredients in commercial makeup products, we urge you to stir up your own black or brown gel liner.

from Z Living Staff

Ayurveda With Yogi Cameron: Quick & Effective Natural Remedy For Hot Flashes

Certain foods have natural components in them that mimic the effects of estrogen and can, therefore relieve menopausal symptoms.

from Z Living Staff

Manicure Tutorial: DIY Shattered Glass Nails

The prismatic reflections in jewel tones are perfect for the festive season and should definitely be a must-do for the holidays.

from Z Living Staff

Going To Have A Winter Baby? These Simple Tips Will Come Handy

Ready to welcome your baby this winter? Follow these health tips to keep your baby in the pink of health.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Did You Know? Vitamin C Can Boost Your Sperm Health

Vitamin C's antioxidant properties can improve sperm quality and help reduce DNA damage. Here's how.

from Z Living Staff

Maintain Skin Health With Home Remedies For Those Suffering From Diabetes

From fungal infections, blisters and bruises to vitiligo, rashes and shin spots, we hope to minimize your skin woes with these home remedies.

from Z Living Staff

How To: Do The Mermaid Pose For A Stronger Back

It is the only full-body stretch you will need to kick-start your day.

from Z Living Staff

Fast Five: The Ultimate Guide To Making The Best Of Your Fridge

Your fridge is one of the biggest unsung heroes of your kitchen. Here are five tips that can help you keep this valuable tool as organized as possible.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, November 6, 2015

This Trending YouTube Video Is All You’ll Need For Some #Movember Inspiration

Watch the evolving beauty trends among men in the US as he takes on a 100 years of staches, beards and hairstyles, one decade at a time.

from Z Living Staff

The Easy Guide To Using A Piping Bag Like A Baking Boss

If you want to win the battle with this indispensable kitchen tool, simply try these tips and tricks to befriend your piping bag, the essential baking buddy.

from Z Living Staff

Heading For A Divorce? Here’s How To Break It To The Kids

It's already a struggle when two people decide to go in for a divorce and when it involves kids in the equation, things can get tricky and messy all at once.

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Why Do I Have Such Vivid Dreams During Pregnancy?

Throughout your pregnancy, there will be times when you will often complain or worry about dreams that make no sense.

from Z Living Staff

Windows To Your Health? What Your Eyes Say About You

Did you know ophthalmologists are able to figure out if you're suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension through your eyes?

from Z Living Staff

Dance Parties Meet Workout Programs In These Fitness Classes

For an upbeat cardio session that can grant you a 1000-calorie burn, sign up for these new-age dance workouts.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Quick Fix: Apples For Type 2 Diabetes

Antioxidants present in apple can slow down the digestion of sugars so that they get absorbed slowly.

from Z Living Staff

Ask The Doctor: How To Deal With Spider Bites At Home?

Z Living's in-house doctor Jonathan D'Souza gives you simple tips to deal with a spider bites at home.

from Z Living Staff

4 Yoga Poses Every Epilepsy Patient Should Start Doing Right Away

This National Epilepsy Month, we help you understand how yoga can aid in controlling seizures naturally. Read on to find more.

from Z Living Staff

Fast Five: Smart Ways To Be More Productive At Work

Not everybody is great at multitasking, but you can get better organized with these simple life hacks for the working professional.

from Z Living Staff

Here’s How To Keep Your Veggies And Fruits Fresh For Longer

Should certain kinds of produce go in the fridge or will they last longer outside? We solve the dilemma with a list of 5 items and some effective tips to help increase their shelf life and keep them fresh for longer.

from Z Living Staff

Ayurveda With Yogi Cameron: A DIY Herbal Recipe To Treat Depression Naturally

Ayurvedic expert Yogi Cameron highlights a quick and easy DIY herbal remedy to banish the blues naturally.

from Z Living Staff

Improve The Health Of Your Skin With Yoga

If an inherent glow and flawless is skin is what you’re after, get started with these asanas to see the difference.

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Can You Believe That’s Adele? #Jawdrop

Her weight-loss story is sure to inspire many, and if you, too, want to take cue, the singer dishes out some tips for those who want to shed the pounds.

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Putting An Organic Spin On Eva Longoria’s Favorite Beauty Products

Get her look with these homemade makeup recipes for more natural and less damaging beauty solutions.

from Z Living Staff

Trying To Get Pregnant? Here Are 5 Foods That You Shouldn’t Be Eating

Did you know that eating certain foods could actually delay your chances of getting pregnant? Here are the foods you should steer clear of.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

This Is Why Hot Showers Are Bad For Your Skin’s Health

There nothing more refreshing than a long, hot shower after a stressful day, isn’t it? But, how much is too hot? We find out.

from Z Living Staff

Weekend Project: DIY Sparkly Strawberry Lip Balm

If you're looking for a fun way to spend your weekend, arm yourself with a beauty DIY that will be the best addition to your arsenal.

from Z Living Staff

War Paint: Should You Go Organic Or Vegan For Your Nails?

Though they are both non-toxic contenders, they have their differences and one is definitely better than the other.

from Z Living Staff

The Mid-Month Pain: Here’s What You Need To Know About Ovulation Pain

While most women would not even realize it, for some, it calls for a time-out. Here’s what you should know about ovulation pain.

from Z Living Staff

High Protein Snacks You Can Take On The Go

When you need all the energy you can harness to help you achieve your daily goals, you need a protein snack to help you feel fuller for longer and give you a boost of power that will keep you going for the next few hours.

from Z Living Staff

Unemployed? Here Are 5 Tips To Get Your Groove Back

Being laid off is never easy on anyone. Here are some simple tips on how to stay positive and focused, and to keep track of what you want and go about getting it.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Broccoli For Healthy Eyes

Broccoli contains lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene, which can all contribute to better eye health.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Grape Seeds For Colon & Breast Cancer Prevention

Animal studies show that the compounds in grape seeds can protect against breast and colon cancer.

from Z Living Staff

A Holistic Approach: The Healing Power Of Thought

Your mind and body are intimately connected, inseparable parts of the whole person. You can’t effectively treat one without treating the other.

from Z Living Staff

Lewy Body Dementia: All You Must Know About The Disease That Plagued Robin Williams

Susan Williams, wife of late actor Robin Williams, has come out saying that the actor suffered from Lewy Body Dementia and not just depression. Here's what you should know about the disease.

from Z Living Staff

#DiabetesAwarenessMonth: Debunking 4 Common Myths Associated With The Disease

We uncover some facts for you as we bust four common myths associated with diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Homemade Moisturizer To Control Eczema

Soak your skin in the goodness of coconut oil and nutrients of shea butter, and calm your nerves with lavender and tea tree essential oils.

from Z Living Staff

Crazy Hair, Don’t Care! These Styles Will Help You Make The Most Of It

If your hair is misbehaving, take a hint and break the rules, too. Once you've given these styling alternates a fair shot, there'll be no looking back.

from Z Living Staff

Tried & Tested: The Pizza Diet That Helped Matt Lose 24lb In 30 Days

This cyclist from Florida shows you how you can eat your favorite food, no matter what it may be, and still lose weight.

from Z Living Staff

5 Pregnancy Scares And The Truth Behind Them

It's true that pregnancy brings many fears and confusion about your baby’s health with it, but some of them you can easily let go.

from Z Living Staff

Why Does Your Throat Hurt After Kicking The Butt? Experts Give You The Answer

After making your lungs face the trauma for several years, your body needs time to recuperate and adjust to the changes. That’s right!

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Busting The Myth: Those With Oily Skin Shouldn’t Use Oil-Based Products

Don't pass up on essential oils, no matter what your skin type. You can control the shine without discounting these nourishing ingredients.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Neem For Preventing Cancer

Studies show that the antioxidant enzymes present in neem are capable of preventing cancer.

from Z Living Staff

Ayurveda With Yogi Cameron: DIY Aromatic Remedy To Lose Weight Naturally

You can fuel your weight loss plan by stimulating and regulating your digestion. Yogi Cameron tells you how to do it right.

from Z Living Staff

Beyond Cloves: Have You Tried Asafetida For Your Toothache Yet?

Is toothache making you miserable? For an instant relief from the writhing agony, try some asafetida.

from Z Living Staff

Must-Know Facts About The Big O

While everyone has a different approach to this wonderful phenomenon called an orgasm, not all of us are aware of the amazing and intriguing facts behind it.

from Z Living Staff

Fast Five: Super Quick Breakfast Tips For Busy Office Mornings

These are some easy and quick breakfast ideas will make sure you do not hear that late morning rumble from your tummy. Eat them at home, or stash them in your bag or office drawer for a quick and filling breakfast during your commute or in between meetings in the office.

from Z Living Staff

Ask The Doctor: Should I Use A Hot Or Cold Compress To Relieve Gout?

Z Living's in-house doctor Jonathan D'Souza tells you how the right combination of a hot and cold compress can relieve gout pain.

from Z Living Staff

E. Coli Infections: What You Need To Learn From The Chipotle Outbreak

Here’s all you should know about E. coli infections and the precautions you must take to avoid an outbreak.

from Z Living Staff

Working Out: At Home vs At The Gym

Can at-home workouts get the job done just as efficiently as regulated gym programs? Let's find out.

from Z Living Staff

Indulge Your Sandwich Mania NOW

This National Sandwich Day, we decided to round up these simple tips and tricks in a quick list for you to create tasty, satisfying and wholesome sandwiches.

from Z Living Staff

Why Count Your Calories? Research Says Counting Your Bites Is Enough

Even a 20 percent reduction in the number of bites makes a difference. It can help you lose up to 4lb a month.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Soybeans For Osteoporosis

Soy contains phytoestrogens that regulate hormonal levels and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in women.

from Z Living Staff

The 4 Best Natural Alternatives To Fluoride

Here are four natural alternatives to fluoride that will not only protect your teeth but also keep them infection-free.

from Z Living Staff

We’re Loving This New No-Heat DIY Curls Video, But Would Change 1 Thing

Trending on social media, this beauty blogger's video is for all those who want natural curls, minus the frizz and heating tools.

from Z Living Staff

10 Mistakes People With Hashimoto’s Disease Should Never Make

There is no quick-fix or one method that will treat your Hashimoto’s Disease, but if you are making these mistakes it will worsen your condition.

from Z Living Staff

Lung Cancer Screening: Questions You Must Ask Your Doctor Before Going For It

Here is a set of questions recommended by The Office Of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion that you must ask your doctor before a lung screening test.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, November 2, 2015

Ladies, Brace Yourself & Make Way For #Movember

It's that time of the year again when beards and mustaches make their appearance. We bring you the low-down on what you can expect.

from Z Living Staff

A Holistic Approach: All About Aromatherapy

The benefits of aromatic essential oils have been known for centuries. Physicians and healers on all continents have used aromatic herbs and oils since the beginning of recorded history.

from Z Living Staff

6 Simple Cooking Tips For The Single Man

Don't feel like you're forced to depend on take away, especially when you can just follow our simple tips to give your go-to foods a tasty and healthy makeover, without spending more than a few minutes.

from Z Living Staff

Ayurveda With Yogi Cameron: Use Essential Oils To Lose Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety can creep up at any time and make your life miserable. Yogi Cameron tells you how to fight those jitters naturally with essential oils.

from Z Living Staff

These 116 Things Can Cause Cancer, Says WHO

From contraceptive pills and solar radiation to air pollution, here's the much-talked about WHO list of things that could give you cancer.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: DIY Hair Spray To Tame Baby Hair

Overworking these soft strands can lead to a receding hairline over time. Use a nourishing hair spray to manage the problem instead.

from Z Living Staff

How To: Do The Stability Ball Shoulder Bridge Exercise For An Hourglass Figure

If you're looking to improve your chest to waist to hip ratio, this workout move should feature in your fitness plan.

from Z Living Staff

Those Of You On The Forskolin Weight-Loss Supplement, Listen Up!

With Dr Oz endorsing this gimmick to blast belly fat, forskolin has seen a surge in demand. Weight watchers, this one does more harm than good.

from Z Living Staff

5 Symptoms Women Should Never Hide From Their Doctors

Here are five signs that you must watch out for and discuss with your doctor to rule out any health risk.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Star Of The Week: Make Way For Beauty & Fitness Guru Gwyneth Paltrow

From healthy eating cookbooks to an age-defying skincare line, there's nothing this blonde bombshell can't do.

from Z Living Staff

Beyond Weight Loss: How Forskolin Can Keep Your Heart Healthy

Touted for its fat burning properties, research suggests that forskolin might also help keep your heart in good shape.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Strawberries For Diabetes

Studies show that strawberries can slow down the digestion of glucose and reduce spikes in blood sugar.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Ashwagandha For Fatigue

Studies show that ashwagandha can relieve fatigue and improve the quality of life.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Turmeric For Alzheimer’s Disease

Curcumin present in turmeric can reduce Inflammation and oxidative damage to brain cells.

from Z Living Staff

These Health Risks Are More Common In Women Than Men

Ladies, watch out for these health risks that are more commonly seen in women.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, October 31, 2015

DIY Spa Ideas From Your Kitchen: Lavender & Sugar Scrub

Catch this series to understand how to use everyday ingredients for a spa-like experience at home.

from Z Living Staff

Why The Chinese Horizontal Crawl Makes For A Great Exercise Routine

This cardio move manages to engage even neglected muscles and makes them stronger; do it whenever, wherever!

from Z Living Staff

Friday, October 30, 2015

Ready To Go Vegan? Great Idea! But Think It Through Clearly

With November 1 being World Vegan Day 2015, we thought we’d revisit the vegan diet, which basically more or less involves consuming only plant-based food. Here’s a brief outline of veganism for a quick run through.

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Does Your Dog Throw Up After Eating? Here’s How To Fix It

Worried your dog isn’t well and is throwing up constantly? Here’s how to help.

from Z Living Staff

Raising Vegan Kids Minus Tears & Fears

Kids on special diets tend to get bullied often and if your child is vegan, this means his or her diet is limited to non-meat, non-dairy foods, making this more likely to happen. This World Vegan Day, help make this history with our simple steps.

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Smart Foods: Drink Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

It is said to be a weight loss miracle that looks at the problem holistically. Here's how you can add it to your diet.

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Cleansing Solutions To Tackle The Horror Of Removing Halloween Makeup

Costume makeup has unregulated ingredients and can be quite toxic for the skin. You're going to need these industrial strength removers.

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