Sunday, May 31, 2015

Want Kids To Eat Healthy? Tell Them What They Can Eat, Not What They Can’t

When it comes to promoting healthy eating among kids, focusing on 'do' is better than saying 'do not'.

from Z Living Staff

Are You Coy Or Narcissistic? Your Facebook Status Update Will Decide

Watch your Facebook status, as it could reveal more about your personality than you imagine.

from Z Living Staff

Fix That Dish: Chili Made Healthy & Tasty

We give you simple tips to make your favorite chili recipe healthier, without losing out on the taste.

from Z Living Staff

A Stressful Commute Puts Employees At The Risk Of A Burnout

If your daily drive to office lasts more than 20 minutes, you might just be at an increased risk of burnout.

from Z Living Staff

Egg Hacks: 14 More Reasons To Egg-cercise Your Diet

Cooking with eggs is a whole lot of fun; right from boiling to poaching and frying, there’s tons you can do with eggs. Here are 14 swanky egg tricks to try.

from Z Living Staff

What Not To Say When Your Date Is Overweight

Dating someone who's a bit on the larger side? Read this to learn how to be sensitive to their situation, and treat them like the wonderful women they are.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, May 30, 2015

50 & Fabulous: The Beauty & Fitness Diaries Of Brooke Shields

We find out what it takes to look as fabulous as the actress, by delving into her skin and haircare routine, and discussing her diet plan and workout sessions.

from Z Living Staff

World No Tobacco Day: Why Occasional Smoking Is (Almost) As Bad As Chain Smoking

Smoking for even five days a month can cause coughing and shortness of breath. We tell you why casual smoking is not a good idea.

from Z Living Staff

World No Tobacco Day: 9 Ways In Which Smoking Affects Your Body

While you know that smoking can be bad for your lungs, did you also know that it can give you diabetes and affect your sexual health?

from Z Living Staff

Follow These Easy Tips To Moisten A Dry Mouth (& Prevent Bad Breath)

Is your bad breath because of a dry mouth? We tell you how to hydrate your mouth and prevent that stench naturally.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, May 29, 2015

5 Amazing Ways To Use Coconut Oil Around The House

Right from removing gum residue to reviving dull and weary leather shoes, coconut oil has various uses around your home.

from Z Living Staff

Research Shows That A Staggering 85 Percent Of The People Love Being Alone

A new study shows that most people love to spend their time being alone, and that it can actually be good for them.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: HIV Has A Sweet Tooth

Scientists have discovered a new way to starve the dangerous human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to death—by cutting its sugar supply.

from Z Living Staff

Watching 3D Films Could Boost Your Brain Power

British neuroscientists suggest that watching three-dimensional movies is beneficial for the brain.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Salt & Pepper For Toothache

A quick gargle with salt water and pepper can relieve your toothache instantly. We tell you how.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Tattoos Have Long-Term Medical Risks

Researchers have found that six percent of adult New Yorkers who get tattooed have experienced tattoo-related rash, severe itching or swelling.

from Z Living Staff

Your Oral Contraceptive Pill Could Give You A Fatal Blood Clot

The death of 21-year-old Australian Fallan Kurek, who died three weeks after starting her birth control pills, once again sparks the debate on the health risks associated with them.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Green Tea May Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Drinking green tea may help prevent prostate cancer in men with high risk of developing the disease, suggests a research.

from Z Living Staff

10 Compelling Reasons To Embrace A Vegetarian Diet

If you're not too convinced about the vegetarian diet, these 10 facts will urge you to give it a go.

from Z Living Staff

Work It Like Else Hosk & Clean Up Like Lily Aldridge

The angels have arrived and they're going to show you how to get fit and look fabulous with their Insta posts.

from Z Living Staff

Bellabeat Leaf: The Fitness Tracking Jewelry

With activity trackers and smartwatches dominating the market, this fitness wearable designed specifically for women, is something you must check out!

from Z Living Staff

Why Casual Sex Is A Good Idea (& 6 Tips For Your Sexual Health)

Researchers have found that the interest in casual sex is just as high in women as it is in men.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Debunking 5 Common C-Section Myths

Though it is the second most commonly performed surgical procedure in the US, a C-section birth has many myths associated with it. We debunk some of them.

from Z Living Staff

Can Gestational Diabetes Affect Your Baby?

There are several ways in which gestational diabetes can affect your newborn. We discuss a few and tell you how to handle them.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: E Coli Bacteria Can Detect Cancer & Diabetes

Two studies show that bacteria Escherichia coli can be used to detect liver cancer and diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Family History Does Not Affect Breast Cancer Survival Odds

In younger women with breast cancer, having a family history of the disease may not worsen their survival odds, a new study suggests.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Garlic For High Cholesterol

The cholesterol-lowering effects of garlic can be attributed to its sulfur content.

from Z Living Staff

6 Steps To Bring Out The Gardener In Your Child

There’s nothing more satisfying than watching your kids enjoy the fruits of their labor, quite literally. Here's how to get them started.

from Z Living Staff

From Trash To Treasure: How To Grow Food From Kitchen Scraps (Part 1)

We show you how to grow your own food from simple kitchen items that would have most likely ended up in the trash.

from Z Living Staff

5 Important Tips For Expectant Dads (Part 1)

Read the first of our two-part series offering tips for expectant fathers: what to say, and what not to dare utter.

from Z Living Staff

Battle It Out: This Trendy New Workout Will Rope You In

The workout involves slamming, dragging, and creating waves with battle ropes that are centrally anchored a few feet away to a support bar.

from Z Living Staff

Learn How To Air-Dry Your Hair To #FightTheFrizz

If Victoria Beckham and her beauty entourage cant #fightthefrizz, it's time to accept defeat and minimize the damage with some air-drying.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know? The SPF 100 Label On Your Sunblock Is A Lie

If you think slathering on SPF100 by the bottles will give you better sun protection, you've been duped.

from Z Living Staff

6 Summer Fruits To Pick Up At The Local Market

Your local markets are filled with a range of healthy fruits this summer. Here are the best ones you should pick.

from Z Living Staff

Beth Behrs To Run Half Marathon In Support Of The Rape Foundation

If there was ever a reason to indulge in a workout, this one would be the noblest. Join the actress' #sprintawaysilence cause.

from Z Living Staff

The Weight-Loss Herb That Works Better Than Bariatric Surgery

According to a new study, a compound extracted from a plant traditionally used in Chinese medicine, could help people lose weight and treat obesity.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

If You’re A Smoker, Your Kid Could Grow Up To Be One Too

Research shows that growing up in a home with a regular smoker doubles the chances of the child becoming an adult smoker.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: A Depressed Person Feels Lost & Lonely At Lively Parties

A depressed individual, brought to a party by a well-meaning friend, can slide further into himself. Find out why.

from Z Living Staff

The Selfie Craze Could Get You Killed

Man falls off cliff, girl shoots herself in the head. Both were trying to take selfies.

from Z Living Staff

Smart Foods: Olive Oil For Your Hair & Skin

Infused in baths, used for massages, and even for some healthy cooking, if you haven't caught up with olive oil yet, here's why you absolutely should.

from Z Living Staff

Tackling The Nicks, Cuts & Razor Burns

Sometimes a bar of soap, disposable razors and moisturizer is all you need. But hey, not all of us are thick-skinned; tread with caution if you need to.

from Z Living Staff

Listen Up Boys, Dwayne ‘Rock’ Johnson & Kevin Hart Show You How To Get InstaFit

The Rock shows you how to work those biceps, triceps, deltoids and traps, and Kevin Hart indulges in an ab workout that will give you a 6-pack in no time.

from Z Living Staff

Couples’ Advice: How To Have A Great Vacation (Without Getting To Each Other)

While we recommend traveling as a couple, here are some tips to ensure that you don’t risk burning holes in your relationship.

from Z Living Staff

Dating After A Divorce: All You Need To Know

If you've been a bit rusty in the dating department, here are tips to get back in the game after a divorce.

from Z Living Staff

Yo-Yo Dieting: How The Wheel Breaks The Butterfly

Welcome to the circle of hell—we help you identify whether you are a yo-yo dieter, and explain why it is the absolute worst for your weight, health, body and skin.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Delayed Cord Clamping At Birth May Benefit Kids Later In Childhood

Waiting a few minutes to clamp the umbilical cord after birth is tied to better motor and social skills later in childhood, suggests a new study.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Soy Supplements Don’t Cure Asthma

A new study shows that soy supplements do not improve lung function for patients with asthma.

from Z Living Staff

Actor Rob Lowe Launches Anti-Aging Skincare Line For Men

The actor is all set to launch Profile performance men's grooming, a collection that has its fair-share of anti-aging solutions with moisturizers, under eye creams, after-shaving serums, hydrating cleansers and shaving gels.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Apple Cider Vinegar For Hives

Troubled by hives? Try apple cider vinegar to reduce itching and control inflammation.

from Z Living Staff

19 Quinoa Recipes For Every Meal Of The Day

This gluten-free Peruvian grain can be incorporated in nearly every meal, for added health benefits.

from Z Living Staff

Rise Of The Sapiosexual: Because Smart Is The New Sexy

When it comes to attracting real friends or meeting a potential life-partner, smart is the new sexy.

from Z Living Staff

Advertising Obesity: How Visual Representation On TV Affects Teenagers

According to a new study, television commercials mentally stimulate unhealthy eating habits among overweight adolescents. It's time to change the channel.

from Z Living Staff

2 Cups Of Coffee A Day Could Boost Your Sex Life

A study has found that having two to three cups of coffee a day could help jazz up your sex life.

from Z Living Staff

Kids’ Persistent Nightmares Are Linked To Mental Disorders: Study

Scientists have discovered a significant link between the presence of persistent nightmares and psychotic experiences.

from Z Living Staff

Most Parents, Busy With Smartphones, Ignore Their Kids At The Park: Study

Modern day technology is likely to doom family relationships if not utilized wisely. Your phone might be drifting you away from your kids.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Turmeric For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Turmeric can reduce inflammation and pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Food Packaging Of The Future: Reuse, Compost, Recycle

Scientists are exploring ways to create plastic that can behave as novel food packaging.

from Z Living Staff

World Multiple Sclerosis Day: Understanding The Early Signs

An estimated 2.3 million people globally are affected by multiple sclerosis. We list 10 early signs of the disease that you should watch out for.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know? Gel-Based Beauty Products Are Ideal For Oily Skin

They will moisturize and hydrate your skin while preventing greasy dirt build-up, which can lead to acne and breakouts.

from Z Living Staff

Yoga Postures to Relieve Stress & Muscle Pain

All you need are these three yoga asanas, the right breathing techniques, and some meditation to calm the mind.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Banana For Diarrhea

Bananas are loaded with pectin, a soluble fiber that soaks up excess fluid in your intestine, slowing down the passage of stools.

from Z Living Staff

Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFAs): Here’s Why & How Weight Watchers Should Avoid Them

While they exist in some of the best tasting comfort foods, they are no friends of yours! Be a vibrant apple; not a deep-fried chicken nugget. We'll explain.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Motherhood May Permanently Alter The Brain

Researchers have found that pregnancy and motherhood could stimulate certain permanent changes in the brain.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: The Brain Size Influences Survival Chances

The ones with the biggest brains could indeed be the fittest to survive in this world, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Exercise Cuts Risk Of Death Among Elderly Men

Men who got 30 minutes of exercise, six days a week, appeared to reduce their risk of death by 40 percent in the study.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: New Way To Prevent Diabetes-Linked Blindness Found

Scientists have discovered a new way to treat and prevent blindness caused by diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

This Lunch Habit Can Make Your Teenager Fitter

These results give parents a better understanding of how to plan their child's meals. Here's when and why your teenager needs protein-rich foods.

from Z Living Staff

Ryan Reynolds Plays Hero For A Young Kid With Cancer (& How To Help A Cancer-Stricken Friend)

The Hollywood A-lister recently did his bit to make a cancer-stricken kid's wish come true.

from Z Living Staff

With A Song In My Heart, I Can Nail This Workout & Live To Be A Hundred

Using a personalized playlist that is synchronized with your exercise routine can help keep you heart healthy and increase your life expectancy.

from Z Living Staff

5 First Date Faux Pas You Must Avoid

Here are a few suggestions on what you should absolutely avoid doing on that all-important occasion of the first date.

from Z Living Staff

Kids Who Grow Their Own Veggies End Up Eating Healthier: Study

New research indicates that children who are encouraged to grow their own vegetables are more likely to eat healthier.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, May 25, 2015

Can Autohemotherapy Treat Chronic Illnesses?

Autohemotherapy is a blood transfusion treatment that improves the immune system’s ability to combat germs and infections by using a patient's own blood.

from Z Living Staff

Oil Is Thicker Than Water, But You Must Also Know How To Milk The Benefits

If you're confused over whether you should be using oil-, water-, or milk-based skincare products, here's all you need to know.

from Z Living Staff

6 Unclean Spots At Home That Could Be Making You Sick

While you put in so much effort to clean your house, don't forget about these hidden nooks and crevices.

from Z Living Staff

Are You Responsible For Your Childs Obesity?

Are you a very controlling parent? If yes, it could cause your child to develop unhealthy eating patterns.

from Z Living Staff

Can The Price Tag Of Your Wine Affect Its Flavor?

When consumers taste cheap wine and rate it highly because they believe it is expensive, is it because of their prejudice.

from Z Living Staff

How To Enhance Mineral Absorption In Your Body

Specific vitamins work in synergy with minerals and improve their absorption in the body. Read on to know which ones are important for you.

from Z Living Staff

7 Kale Recipes (& Why We Love The Green Superfood)

Apart from its health benefits, kale has a unique flavor that fits well into a huge variety of dishes, both sweet and savory.

from Z Living Staff

Hey There Smarty Pants, Do You Know How To Buy The Right Yoga Bottoms?

While we’re not big fans of stepping out in yoga pants to run errands, if you are in fact attending a class, here are some dos and don’ts to remember.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Omega-3 Boosts Brain Power In The Elderly

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, nuts and flaxseeds, can improve cognitive abilities in the elderly, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Vaccines Developed Against New Avian Influenza Strains

The new vaccine development method may help researchers make vaccines for avian influenza more quickly.

from Z Living Staff

6 Tips For The Yummiest Cold Soups This Summer

Here are some basic tips and tricks to prepare chilled soups that will keep you delighted through the summer.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Depression Ups Mortality Risk In Heart Failure Patients

The findings suggest that recognition and management of depression may reduce mortality for patients with heart failure.

from Z Living Staff

Low-Calorie Snacks: Little Meals That Keep You Going

Eating low-calorie snacks helps keep hunger pangs away, and keeps your energy levels high through the day.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Faster Heart Rate Indicates Higher Diabetes Risk

The findings suggest that heart rate measures could identify individuals with a higher future risk of diabetes.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Common Cleaning Products Can Trigger Asthma Symptoms

Products such as bleach, glass cleaner, detergents and air fresheners exacerbated asthma-related symptoms in the participants of the study.

from Z Living Staff

Jason Derulo’s Tip On How To Get Six-Pack Abs With Pull-Ups Is All You Need

All abs, no flab! This web-isode is an ode to the singer's fabulous body, complete with his exercise routine, gym bag essentials, and favorite workout track.

from Z Living Staff

The Kobe 10 EXT Mid Shoes By Nike

Priced at $225, the Roman numeral X is splashed all across the shoes; and, don't miss Kobe Bryant's signature on the tongue of course.

from Z Living Staff

The Beginnings Of Eva Longoria’s Fitness Empire

After philanthropy, acting and producing, Eva Longoria is now looking to venture into the fitness industry, targeted specifically at Hispanic women.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Pineapple Juice For Dry Cough

Studies show that pineapple juice is five times more effective in reducing mucus than common cough suppressants available in the market.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fix That Dish: Revamp Your Tater Tots For Good Health

Your kids and you will enjoy this healthier version of tater tots (without all that salt, starch and grease triple-whammy).

from Z Living Staff

Pros & Cons: Red Wine

To wine or not to wine, that is the question. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of this potent drink.

from Z Living Staff

Children Bullied At School Are More Prone To Obesity & Heart Disease

Apart from the emotional scars it can cause, a study claims that bullying can also lead to serious illnesses like obesity and heart disease later in life.

from Z Living Staff

Ambient Nature Sounds Can Help Office Workers & Hospital Patients Feel Better

A new study shows that playing natural sounds such as flowing water in offices could lift workers' moods and enhance productivity.

from Z Living Staff

Chamomile Tea: The Secret To A Longer Life

Sipping on chamomile tea could decrease your risk of death by 29 percent, a study claims.

from Z Living Staff

Magnet Therapy: Can It Really Relieve Pain?

Magnets can provide relief from osteoarthritis, back and knee pain, fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel syndrome.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Relieve It With A Herb: Spearmint Leaves For Digestive Troubles

Spearmint can relax the muscles of the stomach, reduce nausea and promote better digestion.

from Z Living Staff

Why You Should Add Some Light Weights To Your Yoga Practice

Adding light weights coerces the body to build strength, stamina, and self-awareness, which is pertinent to yoga students who have either naturally, or over time attained extreme flexibility.

from Z Living Staff

What’s All The Ruckus About Rucking?

A combination of cardio and weight lifting, this full-body workout falls in line with bootcamp training, but allows you to set your own pace.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, May 22, 2015

4 Natural Sweeteners & Their Health Benefits

Not only do these low-cal sweeteners have fewer side effects, they have added health benefits, too.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Metabolic Syndrome Can Cause Heart Attacks

The study showed that people with metabolic syndrome faced a greater risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

from Z Living Staff

How To: Do The Balancing Stick Pose

Also known as Tuladandasana, the pose strengthens your core, and cardiovascular and respiratory muscles, while toning the legs and back, and improving your overall ability to concentrate and find your sense of balance.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Memory Loss May Not Always Be The First Sign Of Alzheimer’s

While memory loss is considered the first sign of Alzheimer's, some middle-aged people may face different cognitive problems, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

6 Tips To Practice Patience: Because Nobody Likes A Hothead

Being more patient helps relieve stress and worry. We share expert tips to cultivate and practice self-control.

from Z Living Staff

5 Things That Happen To Your Vagina As You Age

Your vagina undergoes many changes as you age, especially after you hit menopause. Here are some of them.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Air Pollution May Increase Autism Risk In Kids

Exposure to air pollution in the womb may increase the risk of a child developing autism spectrum disorders, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Gastric Bypass, Though Risky, Could Treat Diabetes

People who've had gastric bypass have better control of their type 2 diabetes two years after the surgery, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Infections Can Also Affect Your IQ

Severe infections of any type can affect your mental capacity as measured on an intelligence quotient, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

A Dose Of Vitamin E To Build Those Muscles

If you're on a mission to build muscle, but are failing for some reason, you're probably lacking in vitamin E says a new study.

from Z Living Staff

Crab Season: How To Enjoy The Sweet Meat At Your Memorial Day Brunch Party

We tell you how to prepare, clean and cook crabs, with some fun recipe suggestions.

from Z Living Staff

Basis Peak Titanium Edition: The Corrosion & Sweat-Resistant Fitness Tracker

The tracker is able to monitor your heart rate, record your sleeping patterns, and keep tabs on your body temperature. It also monitors your perspiration rate and sends you notifications and updates, once it is synced with your smartphone.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Tea Tree Oil For Ear Infections

Tea tree oil is effective in curtailing the growth of a number of microorganisms causing ear infections.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Ginger For Headaches

Ginger is a known digestive aid that can reduce headaches caused by flatulence and indigestion.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Relieve It With A Herb: Chamomile Tea For A Sore Throat

The next time a sore throat troubles you, try some chamomile tea to soothe it.

from Z Living Staff

Use Light-Weights To Gain The Right Kind Of Muscle Tone

Save your body the stress and vulnerability, and stick to a low load-bearing workout, particularly if you're already injured or are in the older age bracket.

from Z Living Staff

How To: Do The Lion Pose To Tone Your Jowls & Double Chin

Simhasana induces blood circulation and makes your cells more resilient, enabling them to bounce back from wear and tear a lot quicker.

from Z Living Staff

Liquid Gold: 8 Reasons To Eat Honey Every Day

While honey has been celebrated for its unique flavor for thousands of years, it's also a treasure house of hidden nutritional and medicinal benefits.

from Z Living Staff

Food Packaging Of The Future: Reuse, Compost, Recycle

Scientists are exploring ways to create plastic that can behave as novel food packaging.

from Z Living Staff

Memorial Day Weekend: 5 Fun Activities For The Kids

There are plenty of fun activities to enjoy with the kids, mainly to teach them about our heroes in the armed forces.

from Z Living Staff

Dirty Talk: What To Say In Bed To Turn Up The Heat

Whisper sweet nothings, moan in pleasure or even suggest naughty things. Talking dirty during sex can be fun and fulfilling for both partners.

from Z Living Staff

Only A Third Of Americans Use Sunscreen Regularly

Despite years of public health messages, barely one third of Americans use sunscreen regularly, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

from Z Living Staff

Skipping A Meal Is Detrimental To Your Weight Loss

If you want to know why that belly fat refuses to budge, this could be a reason.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Regular Use Of Paracetamol In Pregnancy May Lower Testosterone Levels In Male Babies

Pregnant women who take the painkiller paracetamol regularly may put their unborn sons' testosterone levels at risk, leading to possible reproductive problems later in life.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Cancer Drugs May Help Prevent Brain Disorders

A class of anti-cancer drugs may be able to prevent brain disorders, including Down's syndrome and Fragile X syndrome, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Alcohol & Drugs Linked To Sleep Problems In Teens

New research has shed light on the damaging role played by alcohol and marijuana in affecting the sleep patterns of teenagers.

from Z Living Staff

Kesha’s Biggest Skincare Faux Pas

Let's just say it involved beer and body glitter! Sound like a bad enough combination for you? Here's the scoop.

from Z Living Staff

How Airplane Travel Affects Your Taste Buds

In noisy situations, like the 85 decibels aboard a jetliner, certain flavor profiles gets enhanced.

from Z Living Staff

Why Oats Should Be A Woman’s Best Friend

From lowering your cholesterol levels in old age to preventing anemia, we give you four reasons to have them for breakfast every day.

from Z Living Staff

Women Are At Their Happiest After The Age Of 30: Study

Surprisingly, a new study says that women are at their happiest in life after the age of 30.

from Z Living Staff

5 Smart Shopping Tips For Memorial Day Sales

Here's a short and simple list of tips to help you grab some good deals during Memorial Day.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Target Shifts Focus From Packaged Products To Healthy Foods

The retail giant will no longer feature packaged products the same way in the future.

from Z Living Staff

Fast Five: Why Mineral-Based Makeup Trumps Liquid Solutions

Far more forgiving and better for your skin, the powdery formulas may not last as long, but will serve you well in the long run.

from Z Living Staff

Cooking With Wine: 5 Essential Tips

Using wine in cooking takes some amount of practice and experience, lest you should end up with a strong-tasting dish.

from Z Living Staff

Smart Foods: Honey For Beauty & Weight Loss

The versatility of honey lends itself well to food preparations, topical applications and soluble solutions too. It is easily available and extremely economical, so infusing it into your DIYs is a no-brainer.

from Z Living Staff

Obama vs Obama: Who Do You Think Aced The #GimmeFive Workout?

While Barack Obama shows you how to get in some light exercise at work, Michelle totally kills it with her gym and cardio training session.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Kids Are Closer To Their Pets Than To Their Siblings

Even though they know their pets don't actually understand what they are saying, kids are often closer to their pets.

from Z Living Staff

Used Coffee Grounds Could Make Your Food More Nutritious: Study

Coffee and coffee grounds contain antioxidants called dietary phenolic compounds, which could make some foods more healthy.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Oregano Oil For Infections

The antifungal properties of oregano essential oil are powerful enough to kill the foodborne pathogen 'listeria' and the superbug MRSA.

from Z Living Staff

Potato vs Sweet Potato: Which One’s Better?

As both varieties contain an equal amount of calories, you might wonder which one's actually better for you.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: A Third Of American Adults Have Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is present in people with abdominal obesity and high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Video Game Players Have An Increased Risk Of Neurological Disorders

Playing video games for too long can lower functional brain activity in the hippocampus that plays a major role in memory formation, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Egg Essentials: 5 Reasons To Love This Healthy Food, If You Don’t Already

Despite its reputation of affecting cholesterol, the truth remains that eggs are a super nutritious food.

from Z Living Staff

Lose Weight By Eating Less, But Eating More Often

Increased meal frequency—such as six meals a day—appear to favorably preserve fat-free mass during weight loss. Here's why.

from Z Living Staff

Memorial Day Weekend: 9 Tips For The Perfect Barbecue Party

Follow these simple tips to ensure you have a Memorial Day barbecue that’s stress-free, and fun for all.

from Z Living Staff

Yes Hun, We Hate Them Man Buns

A recent survey conducted by West Coast Shaving shows that 63 percent of American women either dislike, or outright hate the man bun.

from Z Living Staff

6 Must-Visit Memorial Day Parades In America

Pack your bags and drive down to one of these sites, to salute American heroes on the occasion of Memorial Day.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Baking Soda For Canker Sores

Not only does baking soda reduce the acidity in the mouth, its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the pain and inflammation.

from Z Living Staff

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Lower Cholesterol Levels With Plant Sterols (& Not Statins)

Plant sterols, found abundantly in nuts and seeds, could be a better choice than statins to reduce your cholesterol levels and keep your heart healthy.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Single Moms Suffer From Poor Health In Later Years

New research has revealed that women who are single parents tend to fall sick in later life.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know? Women Want More Sex As They Age

A recent survey looking at women's sexual health has debunked the myth that women are not interested in sex as they get older.

from Z Living Staff

The Diet Hula Hoop From Hell; Because There’s No Better Way To Describe It

Chalk it down to the Korean hula hoop massaging and breaking down the belly fat, or simply making you barf because it hurts so much!

from Z Living Staff

The Humane Side Of Aging: This 100 Years Of Beauty Video Will Move You Beyond Words

While we often do stories about how vanity can lead to insanity, we think this time beauty did good; it encouraged us to embrace the inevitable. Watch the video for yourself.

from Z Living Staff

Eating Clean Or Sweating It Out: What Matters More?

While a diet will help you drop a dress size, cardio will help keep your metabolic rate up and strength training will ascertain you stay strong.

from Z Living Staff

6 “Women’s” Conditions That Could Also Affect Men

We tell you about six so-called women’s diseases that can also affect men.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Obese Mothers May Weaken Their Baby’s Immunity

Babies born to obese mothers are likely to have weaker immunity than those born to lean mothers, says a new study.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Orange Juice Could Be A Brain-Booster For The Elderly

Rich in flavonoids, orange juice improves memory by activation of signaling pathways in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that is associated with learning and memory.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Drug Combinations Can Prevent Multidrug Resistance

Prescribing patients drug combinations that reach similar parts of the body could be an effective way of combating pathogens, says a new study.

from Z Living Staff

InstaBeauty: Victoria Beckham Struggles To #FightTheFrizz

With these simple remedial measures, you should be able to #FightTheFrizz and sport a glamorous hairdo, much like VB.

from Z Living Staff

Your Kids Need More Than Just Dance To Work It Out

A new study has revealed that sending your kids to a dance class may not be able to compensate for their daily exercise requirements.

from Z Living Staff

Prenatal Vitamins: Should You Get Them From Food Or Supplements?

Your body certainly needs more vitamins during pregnancy. But are prenatal ones the best way to get them? We ask the experts.

from Z Living Staff

5 Things Nobody (Else) Told You About One-Night Stands

A one-night stand is great when you're looking for a quickie, but don't expect it to be anything more than that. Here are five things to keep in mind.

from Z Living Staff

Monday, May 18, 2015

Relieve It With A Herb: Calendula Oil For Menstrual Cramps

An essential oil extracted from marigold petals, calendula oil is rich in natural muscle-relaxing compounds that can give you relief from menstrual cramps.

from Z Living Staff

Healthy Home Cooking Hacks: Using Citrus Fruits In Everyday Recipes

Learn how to maximize the flavors and aromas of citrus fruits, and harness their sourness and bitterness in everyday cooking.

from Z Living Staff

Cooling Cucumber: 4 Ways To Enjoy The Spring Fruit

We share creative ways to eat (or drink) cucumber that will make you fall in love with this natural, low-calorie coolant.

from Z Living Staff

5 Must-Have Spring Superfoods (& How To Make A Lentil Salad)

Spring vegetables provide the highest levels of vitamin K, iron, and phytonutrients for your body. Stock up on these five.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Honey For Digestion

Honey is packed with enzymes that enhance the digestion of food substances, especially carbohydrates.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: 9-To-5 Office Timing Best For Your Health

Workers with non-traditional schedules are more likely to be overweight, experience sleep-related health problems and metabolic disorders, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Want To Stay In Shape? Date A Light Eater

Your dining companion plays an important role in helping you make your food choices, and stay in shape.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Meditation Could Boost Your Creative Skills

Some mediation practices can enhance your creative flair, even if you are just a beginner, a new study claims.

from Z Living Staff

Punishments Might Guide Behavior Better Than Rewards Do

When it comes to modifying and rectifying behavior, negative feedback might just be more effective than positive feedback.

from Z Living Staff

Turn Up The Volume: Getting On Board With The Big Hair Trend

Here are some protective measures to keep in mind when you're going for the big, bold and beautiful hairstyle.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Korean Ginseng For Erectile Dysfunction

Korean ginseng is often called 'true ginseng' due to the amazing health benefits it provides.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know? Liquids Can Make Up For Almost Half Your Calorie Count

Make sure to include empty calories from sweetened beverages in your weight loss math.

from Z Living Staff

6 Expert Tips To Avoid The Spring Binge

You'll thank us for these food tips, which will be your silent helpers at the next spring party.

from Z Living Staff

Don’t Lash Out Using Mascaras, Curlers & Fakes

In your superficial quest for long eyelashes, you run the risk of damaging the hair follicle and doing your lash line more harm than good.

from Z Living Staff

How To Use Your Refrigerator To Eat Healthier & Save Money

We tell you how to use your refrigerator in smart ways to live healthier, even save some money, and do your bit for the planet.

from Z Living Staff

Low-Calorie Diets Slow Down Your Metabolism

When people who are obese decrease the amount of food they eat, metabolic responses vary greatly, with a 'thrifty' metabolism possibly contributing to less weight lost.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Asthmatic Kids May Have Peanut Allergy

The findings suggest that parents should get their asthmatic kids tested for peanut allergy, too.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: “Gluten-Free Probiotics” Could Often Contain Gluten

A new study finds that more than half of popular probiotics contain traces of gluten.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Ward Off Cataract With Leafy Greens

Antioxidants present in leafy greens protect the eyes from the damage of ultraviolet radiation and prevent cataracts.

from Z Living Staff

Say Yea To Nuts & Dairy; Nay To Refined Grains & Sugar

According to a new study, making consistent changes to your eating habits can lead to big weight loss results over a period of time.

from Z Living Staff

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Could Robopets Replace Your Real Pet Dog?

The prospect of robopets and virtual pets is not as far-fetched as we may think, and real dogs may soon become a luxury in an overpopulated world.

from Z Living Staff

6 Disclaimers For A Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Going gluten-free doesn't mean only skipping all the bread. Here are six problems associated with a gluten-free life.

from Z Living Staff

Versatile Vermicelli: A Closer Look At The Skinny Pasta

This versatile, skinny pasta is universally loved, and cooked differently in many parts of the world.

from Z Living Staff

Did You Know? Green, Black, Oolong, White & Pu-erh Teas Come From The Same Plant

Find out how the same tea plant is used to make five different varieties of tea.

from Z Living Staff

A Healthy Diet Helps Preserve Memory & Thinking Skills, As You Age

People who have healthier diets with higher quantities of vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, and soy products are at a reduced risk of cognitive decline.

from Z Living Staff

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Quick Fix: Muskmelon For Constipation

Muskmelon has a significant amount of dietary fiber, which improves bowel movement and relieves constipation.

from Z Living Staff

No Need For Meat: A Vegetarian Diet For Bodybuilders

Those looking to build some muscle mass need to make sure they are getting adequate calories and the right nutrients to repair and build their muscles.

from Z Living Staff

Salma Hayek: Beauty Is Not A Goal, It’s A Part Of Everyday Life

When this Hollywood A-lister gets candid about her beauty secrets, you realize there's really nothing to it.

from Z Living Staff

Friday, May 15, 2015

Science Says: Green Tea & Red Wine Reduce Risk Of Cold & Cough

The study says that adults could be 33 percent more protected against the common cold, or upper respiratory tract infections, if they have more flavonoids.

from Z Living Staff

How To: Do Face Pulls For Your Traps

This exercise will definitely get the load off your shoulders and back, and improve your posture too.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Cherries For Arthritis

Packed with anthocyanins, cherries have been shown to reduce the symptoms of arthritis and gout.

from Z Living Staff

Healthy Home Cooking Hacks: Make Perfect Scrambled Eggs

Read on for suggestions on tools, techniques and ingredients needed to whip up a batch of picture-perfect and healthy scrambled eggs.

from Z Living Staff

Tiger Woods Shows Us It’s Time To Stand Up To Bullying

Read Tiger Woods' touching letter to a Delaware teen, bullied for his stutter.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Scientists Unlock Clue To Lifelong Flu Vaccine

The findings will help in gathering information about how a patient's immune system responds to attacks from a variety of viruses.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Stress Disorder Is Not Linked To Cancer Risk

In the largest study of its kind, researchers have found that stressful life events are not linked to an increased cancer risk.

from Z Living Staff

5 Budgeting Lessons For Children

Get pro tips on teaching children how to handle money. This will go a long way in helping them make smart choices, later on in life.

from Z Living Staff

Low-Cost Luxury: 5 Destination Spas For The Budget Traveler

Here's our roundup of budget vacationing options that pamper your body and nurture your health.

from Z Living Staff

Treadmill Tip: Leave Your Smartphone In The Car

Needless to say, when you pause to take a call, or text while you're on the run, you're putting a dampener on your workout.

from Z Living Staff

Married To A Spendthrift? Here’s A 4-Step Solution

Experts offer useful pointers to people who might be concerned about the shopping addiction of their partners.

from Z Living Staff

Prevent Muscle Loss In Old Age Through Diet & Exercise

Exercise has multiple health benefits, and new studies suggest it can help keep you stronger in comparison, as you age.

from Z Living Staff

How A Tanning Bed Gave Tawny Willoughby Skin Cancer (& 8 Factors That Can Increase Your Risk)

Young mom Tawny Willoughby's Facebook selfie is a shocking reminder of how excessive tanning can cause skin cancer. We list out the other major factors that can cause it.

from Z Living Staff

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Give It A Rest! Just Don’t Take More Than 5 Minutes

When it comes to fitness, while changing your routine helps keep your body guessing, resting between sets will help you make the most of each workout.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Acupuncture Can Reduce Appendicitis Pain In Children

Acupuncture can discernibly lessen pain and reduce the underlying inflammation in children with acute appendicitis, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Relieve It With A Herb: Cranberries For Diabetes

Cranberry juice can reduce the side effects of diabetes and improve the quality of life for diabetics.

from Z Living Staff

More Sex Doesn’t Mean More Happiness: Study

A recent research says that there's no correlation between sexual frequency and happiness.

from Z Living Staff

Kiss Kiss: Julianne Hough Loves DIYs (& So Do We!)

Besides keeping a lip balm handy, you will need something to go the extra mile if your mouth continues to darken and those cracks just won't give way.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: After A Baby, Men Do Less Housework

A study found that after the baby's birth, women's workload increased by two hours a day, while men's increased by only 40 minutes.

from Z Living Staff

Weighing The Claims Of Diet Scams

In their hurry to lose weight quickly and without much effort, many people are falling prey to weight loss scams. We explore the burgeoning industry.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: A Vitamin Pill Could Reduce The Risk Of Skin Cancer

The findings may offer a way to reduce the health burden and cost of skin cancer, the most common form of the disease in fair-skinned people.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Depression May Double The Risk Of Strokes In Older Adults

Chronic depression may double the risk of stroke for older adults, and the danger remains high even when mental health improves, says a US study.

from Z Living Staff

Fast Five: Why Butter Could Be Good For You

Read on to find out five ways in which butter could actually be good for your health.

from Z Living Staff

Meals On Wheels: 8 Amazing Food Trucks In America

There's something about food trucks that's exciting and nostalgic. We bring you our favorite meals on wheels.

from Z Living Staff

When Vacations Put The Fun Back In Fitness

Fitness vacations have taken a U-turn down to ‘Fun Avenue’, with wellness tourism venturing further and further away from the fat farm concept, by offering fun vacation packages with a fitness twist.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Antibiotics May Make Kids Obese Later On In Life

The findings may lead to recommendations for antibiotic usage and a clinical test for measuring gut microbe development in children.

from Z Living Staff

7 Benefits Of Massage Therapy

A massage is so much more than a relaxation technique. Find out why this therapy is recommended by health practitioners the world over.

from Z Living Staff

No Clothes? No Fear? Lena Dunham Soldiers On With Her Workout

Back with yet another body positive Instagram post, the Girls' actress shared a snapshot of her mismatched active wear, bulges, curves and muffin top be damned!

from Z Living Staff

3 Soothing Teas Your Tummy Will Love

Sip on these herbal blends to solve bloating, indigestion, constipation, flatulence and other tummy troubles.

from Z Living Staff

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Quick Fix: Vinegar For Nosebleeds In Kids

The acetic acid present in vinegar can seal up the broken blood vessel wall and prevent excessive blood loss.

from Z Living Staff

5 Refreshing Flavored Waters To Make At Home

Make water a little more interesting by adding these fruits and vegetables to infuse it with flavor and pack in a few extra health benefits too.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Men With High Estrogen Levels At Risk For Breast Cancer

Men with the highest levels of estrogen were two and a half times more likely to develop breast cancer.

from Z Living Staff

At 54, Jean-Claude Van Damme Still Owns This Kickboxer Move

The actor recreates his dance and fight sequence from the first Kickboxer movie, and announces the release of the next edition.

from Z Living Staff

Playing Video Games In Teams Can Encourage Pro-Social Behavior: Study

A study finds that teaming up with others in video games, competitively or otherwise, could lead to several benefits including pro-social behavior.

from Z Living Staff

Quick Fix: Fennel Seeds For Stomach Cramps

Fennel seeds are known for their carminative properties that can deal with various digestive problems.

from Z Living Staff

Night Serums Or Morning Face Creams? Skincare Is A Race Against Time

When it comes to skincare, it's important to realize that your skin has different needs for different times of the day and night. We break it down for you.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Drug-Resistant Typhoid Spreading Fast Globally

The genomic study showed that antibiotic-resistant typhoid is driven by a single clade, a family of typhoid bacteria called H58.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: A Father’s Age At Birth Of His Child Is Related To The Child’s Blood Cancer Risk

A new study links a father's age at the birth of his child to the risk that the child will develop blood and immune system cancers as an adult.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Fish-Generated Sunscreen Pill To Protect Humans

A new study says that fish can produce their own sunscreen and copying the method they use could lead to a sunscreen pill for humans.

from Z Living Staff

6 Storage Hacks To Make Your Groceries Last Longer

Finding a smart way to store and use groceries will ensure you get all the nutrients, and also avoid food wastage.

from Z Living Staff

Springtime Elixir: Nettle Tea

Herbalists vouch for the use of dried nettle leaves to make tea that has a number of health benefits. Find out all about them.

from Z Living Staff

Dayum That Ciara! She’s One Yummy Mummy

If like us, you're wondering what it takes to look this good after a baby, well, here's the gist of the singer's workout routine.

from Z Living Staff

4 Things A Teen Should Know Before Having Sex

Read on to find out about the basic information any teen should have before indulging in sexual activity.

from Z Living Staff

Science Says: Poor Sleep Tied To Heat Fatigue, But Naps Could Help

Sleeping only a few hours at night may increase the risk for physical and mental strain when working in the heat, says a study.

from Z Living Staff

Weight Loss: Turn The Lights Down Low & You’re Good To Go

A new study concludes that sleeping with the lights on or checking updates on your mobile, minutes before you sleep, can be the cause of your weight gain.

from Z Living
Farhan Shaikh | Trina Remedios

Runners, It’s Time To Spotify With Adidas Go!

The app calculates your stride rate, then uses that data to play tracks with matching beats per minute, based on your preferred playlists and genres—all while you're on the run.

from Z Living
Charlene Flanagan